The Science Of Religion – Part 1

The Science Of Religion – Part 1

NBNT 4A | Science Of Religion


The way we perceive religion depends on how it impacts our lives. In another interesting episode, Steven Machat and Dave Phillipson indulge us with their views on the science of religion and how it’s controlling people, and backs up this statement by giving examples and research about how it does. They also tackle how society capitalizes on the geniuses of the world and why they believe gold is bad.

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The Science Of Religion – Part 1

Welcome back to the school of secret knowledge episode four. This is going to be episode 4A. You’re getting more bang for your buck. There are going to be two parts to this. This is The Science of Religion. Steven, take it away.

How are you today? Today, that means this day is now. What I’m going to do is bring us back into a present, the gift of life. There are many sides to me because I open myself. I feel my whole life is revolving around understanding and partaking in the sundial of life, like the way they use to measure time. We’re a sundial and on a given day, we have different energies and we need to learn how to use those energies when the energies are there. I’ll give you a true story from my music days. We were handling Peter Gabriel and we turned in his third album. It was the album that had Biko in it. This song changed my life. It’s ‘78. What happened is we played it for Atlantic Records and the leader of Atlantic Records, a man known as Ahmet Ertegun, who is Turkish, lived in America.

His father was the Turkish Ambassador to the United States during World War II. He sat there and when we played a few of the records, he stopped the record and he said to me, “What is this?” This is money in the bank. There are a lot of people in the room, pretty much his whole promotion and marketing team. I go, “What do you mean what is this? This is music.” He goes, “This isn’t what sells today.” I said, “That’s today. This may be the gift that we’re all looking for.” He looks at me and he goes, “You’re a lawyer.” I said, “I’m not a lawyer. I’m Steven Machat.” He says, “You represent dance artists. Where’s the pop hit that will get on the radio? Who gives a hoot about Stephen Biko?”

What happened was I ended up defending Peter Gabriel and the reason I’m telling this to you is I’ve fleshed in on a thought that life is basically a sundial. I said to Ahmet and everyone reading, “Do you know something, Ahmet? Dance music is when you want the energy to stay awake and do whatever you’re about to do in the evening of your day, not always our day. Sometimes we need to be able to hear music so we can open our minds and see the pictures flow as opposed to close our minds and let the energy be concentrated. Let the energy be focused on this one point.”

He’s looking at me and he goes, “You’re nuts.” I said, “Maybe we’re all nuts. You want what already exists. Why can’t we have something that makes you feel, makes you see, open our minds and let these pictures flow? This music works. It shows you why Stephen Biko would die. What is this white Africa? Cecil Rhodes, the man that gives the Rhodes scholarships, his dying wish was to create a world based on his one-world WASP, White Anglo-Saxon Protestants order. This is what went wrong in South Africa. My whole life I see things differently than people do. I don’t see a physical move. I see the metaphysical move. I see why you make that move.

Life is a chess game and we’re checkers. We’re the puppets that played the checkers of different energies that are the puppet masters. I go through this in my latest book that is out there for all of you to get called The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind. I tell you where we came from and how we got here. As I was doing all this, I discovered some truths. I discovered why you, the general population, don’t understand what I’m telling you. I never understood that people don’t see things the way I do, so I’m asking you all to sit back, read and let the pictures flow. Open your minds and watch what’s going to happen. Are you ready, Dave?

Let’s let her rip.

I wrote this and I wrote this when I awoke in two different mornings. You’ve got science, religion and mankind. Our roles as mankind are to become one with each other, all living beings. We must create a world of order and control with God, not for God. We must earn as we learn that each and every one of us is especially unique and extraordinary being. We are the children of man as well as the children of the one God. This is what Jesus said. There was no J in those days. His name was Ssu. The E in front of his name was because he went to the Egyptian School of Sacred Knowledge, the sacred knowledge where they teach you the science of religion. They teach you how to join God. It was a private place where all who wanted to learn could come and be initiated into this process.

The first thing Egyptians did when they got control and got the Greeks out of there was they threw out the School of Sacred Knowledge. The Greeks were basically a society looking for more, not just physical possessions. They were looking for more and they came up with this. They learned how to be with God. The Catholic church will do everything it can to stop you from being with God. They need to become your passage to their God, not the God. The Catholic church put the J in the alphabet. There was no J. Even the Hebrews fell for this line as they become a 1,700-year victim of the Catholic church. What he did is he’s the first person that we read about that spoke of love. He said he’s the son of man and the son of God. He is.

You are male or female. You’re the children of God and you’re the children of your parents. We need governments to give each of us a duty, not the right, the health, welfare and safety for all. We are all for one and one for all. When you live with God, you will understand this truth. When you live in a world of possessions, you become jealous that someone else has what you don’t have and it’s crazy. Consider your life a coach ticket to life. I must add that we must allow others to obtain a sensory business class or first-class tickets to physical life, but not where we forget those who have their coach tickets to life. We must learn that physical life requires the heart to give and take. That’s what we must learn. I’m giving you my conclusion. Now, let me walk you back to the beginning. What is science? We all sit and we know what science is, but do we?

NBNT 4A | Science Of Religion

Science Of Religion: Our roles as mankind are to become one with all living beings.


Science is often wrong and they’ll correct it. When there’s an argument, it’s funny because people will say, “You can’t argue with science.” Science argues with itself because, in my opinion, it’s a philosophy backed by current facts.

I agree with you, Dave. Science is the never-ending process of discovering what you didn’t see before. Only by knowing what you know now do you have the eyes and the vision to go beyond what’s there to understand how it got there and why is it there, not it’s there. Science as a noun in English means to follow the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment. What does that mean? That means you could only believe what you could see, feel, touch, taste or hear in physical sensory forms, but there’s more. In this definition, we learn that science studies the physical and natural world through what I said to you. Those five things that I named is your ability to see, touch, taste, feel and hear. They’re called the sensory organs and we are not taught about spirit.

You are not taught that we are spiritual beings living in this physical body here on a wandering substance known as a planet that we call earth as well as elsewhere, elsewhere beyond the physical dimension. The word planet comes from a Greek word that meant wanderers. We’re in this substance that we wander around the sun in a special law of it. These are nine planets that we know of that do that. There’s another planet that intervenes because it comes in on an angle. It’s called the crossing. This we discuss in my book, The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind. We incarnate into this earthly body to have experience in physical bodies. Why do we incarnate? The truth is we incarnate to learn how to live and share, to live, love and not fear. To learn to share and lose our individual egos to help each and all of us to survive here on Earth.

The ego is three letters. Ego is where you Edge God Out. You want to be God. You’re part of God. We forget that. The game of life is to learn how to love, share and participate with the community as well as live your destiny to fulfill whatever your urge is that got you to incarnate again. Consciousness is a game. The game is to go back to God and understand that this is everything. This is nirvana. This is bliss. This is the heaven we are taught we can go to if we behave and follow the rules that they created for us to make sure they stay in power. Who are they? We’ve learned who they are. They are who created you and I. The Nephilim created our physical forms. We discussed this in my book, The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind. The Nephilim who called themselves gods ruled us and made the system we are bound into and fall into the second fear gets into our veins and gets our minds to act and override our eye and shuts down that eye, the third eye that people in control tell you doesn’t exist.

What is the third eye? This is the passage we all have, which brings us to our metaphysical truth. The third eye that the system shuts off, the system that we live in shuts off so we obey and follow the rules in the order created by the Nephilim creatures that created us here on Earth to serve and be their slaves. It’s that simple and I’m repeating myself, so forgive me. These stories are contained in my rock opera, Opus One, The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind. I wrote it as a play so you could follow and open your minds and see what I’m telling you because you’re going to reignite with the truth. If you look up any of these words I’m giving you, they’re all over the internet, but no one’s ever married it to the time and space that we lived here as mankind. I did. It’s irrefutable. I give you our naked truth.

What is the system that controls our mind’s definition of the third eye? Please follow me. This is what they tell you. The system’s definition starts with telling you that it is Hinduism or Buddhism. Here we go with the isms again. We in the Western world say that Hindu and Buddha are not real religions. Why? They do not have one supreme sky god, no boss that intervenes and makes things happen for your material needs and wants, providing you involve the third eye who said, “God authorized them, not me, to talk to the creator of mankind. This is what you must behave and this is what you must do. Give off your intuition power. Give it up and let those in control tell you what they want you to know.”

The definition then says of the third eye the following quote, “The locus of occult power and wisdom in the forehead of a deity, especially the god Shiva.” What the system is doing is making you understand that this is hocus pocus. Like if you use your intellect, you’ll understand how the Vatican makes Jesus, the son of man as well as the son of their God, Christ, Christ’s only son. We’re all the sons of God. We’re all the daughters of God. Christianity using the Vatican game is a religion of spiritual cannibalism. You were told, “Drink this wine and it becomes Jesus’ spilled blood. You were taught to eat this bread and drink this wine. You have now brought in Christ’s essence. You are now one with Jesus who is now Christ in this blood sacrifice called a sacrament.”

Sometimes we need to hear music to open our minds and see pictures flow as opposed to closing our minds and let energy be concentrated. Click To Tweet

A sacrament in the Latin language, the words are used Corpus Con Christos, a sacrament the Vatican says is the religious ceremony, a ritual that imparts Divine Grace. They’re telling you that your third eye only works if you drink the blood and eat the bread, the skin, the flesh of Jesus. The occult world and the definition of the third eye in our Western world is to make you think it’s voodoo. Occult means hidden when translated into our simple English language. The truth is it’s hidden in plain view. If we are not taught to see beyond our physical senses, we are locked into this body to work and serve a system.

That is not what our one creator wanted us to live in. We were not made to be prison slaves. We were not made to be slaves in debt. We were not made to have a one banking order where they issue currency that only works because we will give up our time and we will give up our possessions and energy in exchange for this currency. There is no currency. There is no gold currency. I’ve had arguments with the people that want to go back to the gold currency in power. The gold currency is crap. The gold currency is mankind not understanding the truth of why we have a lush allure for gold. What is it that makes us do this? When we were created, you must understand we were created to get the gold out of the rocks, the Anunnakis, these space travelers from Nibiru who came here known as Nephilim, called their space travelers Anunnakis, the ones that came to Earth.

The ones that went to Mars and if I’m flipping you out, keep your minds open. You’ll see what I’m telling you. There was life on Mars. If you have a moment, take your pen and write down. Look up the pyramids of Mars. You will see the pyramids. You need to understand and look at this so we stopped this game. Gold was needed to fix the atmosphere of that wandering planet that crossed our nine planets’ paths. That planet radiated heat from the core of its existence. They have an atmosphere and I haven’t let my intellect go to figure out if they made it or if they didn’t. They have an atmosphere that keeps the heat in like a well-sealed house and keeps the heat out that’s coming in when they pass the sun. Gold was the substance that they were lacking and they found it here on Earth.

Gold is a substance when you heat it, it becomes a liquid. Gold is a substance when you heat it, they use crystals to throw the gold liquid into the air and seal their atmosphere. That’s what they did. The liquid when it hardens becomes what they called mana. If you look in your Bibles, they will tell you that’s what they ate. They wanted the bread from heaven. Heaven’s what is above. When the liquid heats it falls to Earth. What I’m telling all of you is I’m going to prove that the Bible is correct. It just got misquoted statements because we, mankind at that era, did not have the intellect to properly translate what the Book of Enki, our creator from Nibiru, wrote down because everyone keeps their story. We call it history, his story.

The Bible may be a 101 course and my whole life it made me figure something’s not lying and something’s missing. When a book came out called the Chariots of the Gods, which I became aware of when I was fifteen years old, I spent the next 52, 53 years looking and researching. I spent my whole life living in the physical world making money so I could live here, but trying to discover the metaphysical world that I come from. I’m trying to discover the source and trying to live with God. I did it through song and dance, which is why it’s important to me. I did it knowing very well what I was going to do.

I did it by having artists all over the world tell me their ecstasy, tell me their joy, not their pleasure, but their ecstasy, what I call bliss. It’s that momentary lack of physical innocence when you go to this special place. We need to understand that we are a mythical and physical being. When we physically die, we go back to our eternal conscious being. We never die. Physical religion is a lie. It binds you to a system of rules and order so you stay in their control. You allow the few to rule and live on and off you. Now that I told you physical religion’s a lie, then keep your minds open. There is a universal religion and there is also a universal science. Do you ever wonder why we have geniuses? Do you ever wonder why them and not me? Do you ever wonder why society says, “This is a special character, he’s a genius,” and then they shut him off?

What society does is they’ll take the genius who knows how to communicate with the beyond and they invite them into their exclusive ownership and control. They give copyrights and patents to these people that get messages from beyond and all of a sudden we allow these few to own things that we need and our necessities of life. It’s disgusting what I’m telling you. I have a lot of trouble with Bill Clinton because this is the biggest riff that we’ve ever had in the office. It broke my heart watching this con artist in office and his devilish wife who wanted to own and control us. They got the opportunity because of what they did, they did what the puppet masters told them to do. They created the lure of physical wealth.

They created the lure that, “You could be one of us. You don’t always have to be one of them,” but you will always be one of us. All of us, not just that source. What they did is I really believe they destroyed America. They made these banks the gods, the masters of our universe, just a bunch of buffoons who could actually sit and look at the world and say, “They don’t have a job, so why should we feed them?” Excuse me, what job do you have? Your job is to work. Your job is to give and take. Your job is to be the heart that all life needs. No heart works by giving and no heart works by taking, there’s a balance and you learn that when you go into the metaphysical world. Don’t look at these creeps that have everything.

NBNT 4A | Science Of Religion

The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind: A Rock Opera

Our job and our government once had anti-monopoly laws. We need to end Facebook. We’re the product of Facebook and it’s a social network. We’re sitting there sharing stories like we’re in a fraternity or a sorority or we’re at home. We’re in what a real church was about, the church before these clowns and their Roman Empire incarcerated us in the colonization of their earth. The church was where you got on a cross the information from the North, East, West and the South. You shared it in the middle. You all came together and said what your experiences were. You didn’t come together to watch some voodoo ceremony telling you that you are now in the essence of Christ. Jesus never said he’s Christ. They’re two different energies. You need to hear this, open your minds and see these pictures flow. Since I was a little boy, I had this noise in my head called Ssu and he got me to get my father to take him to the church and I said, “Dad, I hear he needs to come off that cross. He didn’t die for our sins.”

I didn’t say this to my father then, but I get it now. He died so you don’t make the sin of questioning those in control of you and me. They’re in control of us. By giving us little drops of what comes in, the people who are geniuses sit and fall into their line and everything they were becomes a fraud. A genius is someone in touch with spirit. Look it up, Latin to English. That means they go into the third eye and they go to the beyond. They learn how to disassociate themselves from their five senses, the sensory organs that run our nervous system. They go to the beyond and they may not know they’re doing it, but they have that ability to go. When they’re young, they just go.

Thomas Edison did it. He flunked out as a school, but he spoke to the beyond. I use him as an example. They tell you the genius of Rembrandt and everything. I don’t know if they were geniuses because the Catholic church closed down the world. They knew all along that the world was round, but they told you it was flat. They knew of the riches in what they call the new world. They knew of the gold there and they made it a gold standard. Maybe what we’re doing is we’re storing the gold for when the Nephilim come back to get their gold. They’re coming back, they may still be here. Maybe I’m the rebel that got away because we were not created to serve them. We were created to be all we could be and to discover the pleasures and joy of a metaphysical life.

We were not made to be attached to mammon possessions. We were not made to sit and not help people who are beyond help. We’re not made to have the mentally retarded run around the cities of Los Angeles, Miami and New York, to name a few. I’m naming those three because I live there. They sit and seek out drugs and our pharmaceutical companies give it to them as part of the insurance, but they won’t give you the operation that your special unique, and extraordinary body needs because they say thanks to Obama, another con who brought in physical health insurance telling you it’s healthcare. It isn’t health care and that physical science of their health insurance works off with 72% of people of your age, race and color. What are they telling you? We’re all human beings. It needs to stop and I’m sitting here because I want to help you open up your third eyes and you need to close your eyes after they’re open to begin and not think but receive.

Let the thoughts which become pictures in your mind come in, see from the beyond. Others do and they become the gods called geniuses of our world order. What is religion? Let’s discuss what religion is. Religion, Latin to English means to bind. Bind to what? Whatever you are taught to believe in. It is the force that intellectually controls your thoughts to see the truth that some force wishes you to see and live inside the boss of this existence, of their rules in order. Let me ask you a question and I would love you to use this and write to Dave and me and have me explain more.

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Also at I made it org because people say, “It’s gossip.” It’s an organization of people, by the people, for the people and of the people. It’s not an organization to control you. It’s not a corporation. Follow me as I take you here. What is a corporation? A corporation is where people get together and they create something. They keep it alive longer than you and I are alive. It doesn’t die when someone dies. You could share the stocks, the imaginary illusion that you now are part of a corporation that is nothing but the people in control. When I ran for Senate, I said, “We got to stop corporations from putting money in the politics because it’s a way to lie and deny. “I didn’t do that. You did. You’re part of the corporation.” It needs to stop.

In 1881, when the United States Supreme court had a clerk write that a corporation has its own life and is entitled to due process, it was for the taxing. It was not for bringing you into a system that are these corporations where everyone hides behind their shield sits and tells you what to do so they stay in existence. It needs to end. A corporation is of limited time. The time is when they’re doing what’s legally correct, but to sit here and go poison our waters, to poison our airs, to poison our food. Monsanto is evil. How many of you own stock in it? Bill Gates does and we think this genius is worthy. Monsanto, do you know why you get sick in this world? It’s the food you eat, the water you drink and the air you breathe. I sat with eight exceptional doctors who are doing everything they can to remedy cancer and they told me they’re raising money to remedy it.

I sat with all eight of them in my eloquent innocence being a little boy, which I can do. I said, “Doctors, can I ask you a question? Instead of curing cancer that exists, why don’t we raise money to eliminate what gives us cancer?” They look at me and they go, “What?” I said, “The water you drink, the air you breathe and because it’s a generic term, Monsanto. They are the creatures that poison the grass, the creatures that make chemical foods and the creatures that destroyed our world and gave us diabetes too. They gave us esophagus cancer, they gave us cancer of the lungs, they gave us cancer of this and cancer of that. They’re looking at me and they go, “We can’t answer that.” I said, “Why?” They go, “How do we do it?” I said, “Put people like me in office. Put yourselves in the office. You’re living proof that what I’m saying is true. Am I right or wrong?”

I said to them, “I have another question for you for breast cancer.” The most beautiful creatures in the world, what I idolize and live for, is a woman. A woman is a man with a womb and they have breasts. Inside that breast is milk. They have the milky substance. The milky substance is what we need to grow. On our grass lawns with all these women, they sit there and they keep trying to have beautiful green grass. The golf that our president spends 280 days out of 365 days playing, Obama was no innocent, he did it too.

Each and every one of us is especially unique and extraordinary being. Click To Tweet

All presidents do and so do many business people. Everybody has their hobbies. Golf isn’t one of mine, but people do.

Here’s where I’m going with the hobby. Dave, it’s played on unnatural grass. It’s played on grass that these chemical companies put there. You don’t get that type of green grass on a green. It doesn’t exist anywhere. You don’t get lawns in these urban houses where you get this green grass and it’s cut. It’s cut so what emanates from that grass gets into you. The first area that we’ll get that poison that’s inside our grass is a woman’s breast. You could look this up, there’s more breast cancer in urban centers than anywhere. There’s more breast cancer in the United States because we have not limited the ability to use Roundup and the other crap that these Monsanto-type of companies put into our grass to make it green. I asked the doctors who are scientists, I said, “We all exchanged numbers. Please do me a favor. Please tell me the ratio of women in the United States and the women of like societies with breast cancer. I’m convinced that this is where it emanates and I’m convinced it needs to stop.”

We’re taught to believe in what the few want us to believe. What is religion? I told you it’s physical, but it’s spiritual. Can religion be both physical and spiritual? Can science be physical and spiritual? Can it be from God? Can it be from the beyond? As a physical force, religion must be used as a tool to instill fear, to make you give up your essence, to believe in and follow the rules and regulations made by the few who use this force to control your life. To follow this yellow brick mental path, to do as I say, not do as I do.

Religion is a force that gets you to stay or return to an order that controls your emotions and makes you believe in an existence that now becomes your reason to be. Religion that is physical alone is small. A small physical religion can get you to do certain things that the one religion of all would never do. That small physical religion could get you to believe that their God, who I call the small Jeez, wants you to go kill and maim these other people. Their God gave you permission to go into other people’s lands and rob, steal and kill to take their possessions and then say they’re yours. The United States, be it Republican or Democrat, we’re such idiots that we are now the army for the International Monetary Fund. We help these few go into different nations and rob and steal their oil and their physical metals. It’s disgusting.

Instead of building a world, making the greatest nation in the world, making America great for once, we never were great. We were on the path to greatness and each day’s better. Each team becomes better because we live off what we know. We’re taught to forget what we know. This is all you’re allowed to know. It’s disgusting. It needs to end. These monopolies called corporations need to be broken up. Each and every kid can have an opportunity to become more than we are because if our children don’t become more than us, then we failed. Our goal is to put them on the path to the eternal existence of living life where everyone has a coach ticket to life and those that want more can get their business and first-class tickets, but not at the expense of everyone.

I’ll contend that the US, while not perfect, it’s still great. In my belief and experience, it’s the greatest nation and that’s why many people want to come here. I’ve traveled to many others and there are places that I would also enjoy living, but I would say that which we are afforded in the US does make it a great nation.

Dave, I’ll help you because people are going, “If he’s saying we’re not the greatest nation, why is he here?” This is the greatest nation because someone like me could sit here and try to open our eyes. This is the greatest nation because this is a nation that is the only nation out of all the other nations, I believe it’s 192. I don’t know why they consider the Vatican a city-state or a nation. I don’t get it because if ever there was someone that tries to hide the light, it’s them. I have an issue with the Vatican, a big one because instead of telling what Jesus said, they tell you what the made-up Christ did and it needs to end. This is the nation created with the greatest written document ever called the Declaration of Independence by Thomas Jefferson. I’ve taken great pains to read all the books we know he read.

I’ve read most of them, if not all of them, at least I read whatever I know. I wanted to know where insight came from. I wanted to know how a man could write without a kingdom or pope. I wanted to understand where this country got its mantra. Our mantra is, “Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Several years later, the Christians came back in and it’s a Vatican order and I’m going to share it with you. All of a sudden, it became, “Life, liberty and the protection of property.” The only property we have is our bodies. The only temple we have is our bodies. The only thing we need to learn how to do is how to protect our bodies. The only thing that the government must do is they must give everyone health, welfare and safety. They must give each and every individual the ability to pursue their happiness.

If that means I’m going to make the greatest clothing line in the world, I’m going to make the way the greatest restaurant, create the greatest new drink, let’s do it. Go do it. If you want to be the biggest and best team, you need to have a home run hitter. George W. Bush when he was running for president in 1999, he said to me, “If I don’t become president, what could I do?” He said to me, “I’ve always wanted to be a commissioner of baseball, but I can’t do that.” I said, “Why can’t you do that?” He says, “I can’t do it because I’m the guy who traded away Sammy Sosa.” Karl Rove was lurking there and this is in my book, Gods Gangsters & Honour. Karl Rove was listening when I said to George W. Bush, “Don’t you understand, you’re a living testimony? You made the team instead of an individual. You put together a team.”

NBNT 4A | Science Of Religion

Science Of Religion: Religion is a force that gets you to stay or return to an order that controls your emotions.


I said, “Look at me, please. You traded Sammy Sosa, a home run hitter.” The Texas Rangers came from the Washington senators of 1971. The original Washington senators are upstairs in Minnesota. If you look at our map, I said to our then governor of Texas as he was pursuing his family’s dream, the Republican dream of putting another Bush in office, which he didn’t want and that may explain everything to you. That’s a metaphysical truth. He played the physical role, but this was one of the nicest people I met. I liked him and he was overrun by the evil that surrounded him. His father told him to keep away from Rumsfeld and his father told him to keep away from his Vice President, Cheney. They were evil and Bush wasn’t.

What I said to Bush then was, “Look what you did and you could tell this to people, you traded Sammy Sosa to the Cubs. You had won no penance with him on your team, let alone divisional championships, but look what happened. You got rid of him and at ‘96, Texas wins its first divisional championship. In ’98, they won another divisional championship. In ’99, you’re running away with it.” I smiled at him and I said, “I’m a Yankee fan, so too bad you didn’t beat us. You put together a team. If you want to have a dream, you need a team. You need to put together a team to make that dream come true.” That’s what America’s about and that’s why I love America.

This is the one place that you could put together a dream. There is no royalty that’s 1,700 years old. There are no establishments where you walk by and they tell you this and that, not understanding why it was built and why you worship this or that. When Karl Rove heard me say that and he did, he got me away from Bush so quick. That story’s up on iTunes and it’s free for all to hear. I tell you when I worked with the Republican party and it was pretty comical, David. I represented The Singing Senators. I got them a record deal. I did the first internet convention and no one thought to see whether or not the candidates would get it because I got them the right to do it on Paramount Studios, which was funny. That was the end of my days trying to get in where I can help advise people and counsel people as a Republican. It did end my days loving my country. This is my country. This is my team. This is my sacred ground. This is someplace I will always know. Let’s end part 4A now with that song because if you’re all reading this, go to the song, Somewhere Only We Know.

Before we do end there, there are a couple of things I want to touch on. One, George Bush would have been an outstanding commissioner of baseball. Sadly, we haven’t had a good strong commissioner since Peter Ueberroth. That would have been an outstanding move.

We’re going to find out how strong this commissioner is. The Houston Astros cheated. They would sit there and they had an eye in the sky in center field and they would zero in on the catcher’s fingers. They would sit there for six innings figuring out what one, two and all the motions were. They feed it into their computer and then when the relief pitchers came in, they would feed the messages using Bluetooth to the ballplayers to know what pitch is coming. How do you cheat in sports if you cheat in sports with the limit? This commissioner needs to take the franchise away from the people owning the Houston Astros. He needs to suspend for a year or two and who cares what happens to their career? They cheated.

Do you still feel that the franchise should be taken away from the owner if the owner had no clue?

The owner had a clue and it was a game. I’m laughing because I can’t believe it happened. They knew what they were doing. They were sending the signals in. They were banging like garbage bells to tell them. Go to your second thought. That’s my piece.

The second question is with regards to opening. You talked about gold, so I want a one-word answer. Is gold good or bad?

It’s bad because you sell your soul for something that you can never have. I told you what they used to do with gold. They would make it liquid form and then if it fell the earth, it was mana. Do you know what they used to do with the mana? They considered it a drug that opened up your third eye and it’s outrageous. When you study the times and lives in the Bible, King Solomon’s temple was a furnace to manufacture gold in liquid form. People would bring him the gold and then he would exchange it and they would make it liquid. That’s right in what I call the Lavonne, which was right in the area that the Anunnakis built their world.

I think it’s bad because any possession’s bad. If you’re giving it to a gift for a momentary or whatever, great. The best example of creating a new essence was the people in South Africa when they created diamonds. Diamonds are a man’s best friend. Are you kidding me? Are diamonds now how we’re going to go rob, kill and steal everyone in Africa? It glitters like gold, but do you know something? Life could be just as happy with the right rock. They made so much money out of those diamonds and those movies that you see and the stories you hear are true, what they did to get the diamonds out of the rocks.

What I would love the readers to do is to enter this in your favorite search, whether it’s Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo or whatever it is, diamond scam. There’s a lot of information out there. There are a lot on YouTube, sites about how the whole wealth out of diamonds was created. This I’ll say about gold because I was doing some research. In 2018, it was a record year certainly, but 88 million cars were sold in the US. This is amazing. Throughout the world, it was 1.5 billion cell phones in 2018. There is about $2 that goes into each cell phone, whether it’s iPhone or whatever it has for electronic components. Here’s the biggest mind-blower. The amount of gold available now is about the size of a tennis court 40 feet deep. I think that if we did go to a gold standard with currency, go back to it, we came off in the ‘70s.

When you live in a world of possessions, you become jealous that someone else has what you don't have. Click To Tweet

It’s ‘71 to be exact. Nixon did it.

Was it ‘71 or ‘72?

It could be both.

I think it started but it finalized in ‘72. I would love to see us go back because it is a finite resource. You can’t print more gold.

The problem is you can’t go back to a limited asset because the only asset we have is us, you and me and everyone reading. There are six billion of us, so we’re going to live on gold that we had when there were two billion people. That means four billion people can’t live their dreams. Who administers and who controls it? The song that I was telling you, Somewhere Only We Know, it’s by the band called Keane. Listen to it. It will open your hearts. That’s it for part 4A. It’s like we’re at the race track. You’re going to get a doubleheader. You get two horses to win that one bet.

My grand uncle was the oldest trainer to be in the Kentucky Derby and it was strange because I lost contact with him because his direct family didn’t want me to be around him. They didn’t want me to inherit anything from him. His name was Al Gurman. In 2000, he raised the horse in the Kentucky Derby when he was 91 years old. He had a horse there. That’s why I’m saying that, 4A and 4B. Thank you for reading. If you want more of us, you want to learn more about me, go to Contact us over at the or I’m happy to share it. I wanted to give away to seeds of love. I want to sow the seeds of love. Love is where you learn to live with a heart. You give and you take. Thank you, Dave, for doing this with me.

That wraps up episode 4A. That is the science of religion. We’re going to do 4B or part two, whichever way your mind works, so stay tuned. We’re going to come back on the next episode and dive a little bit deeper into the science of religion.

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