The Seven Basic Life Questions

The Seven Basic Life Questions

NBNT 2 | Basic Life Questions


The simplest of life’s questions can lead us to a better understanding of the world. As promised from the first episode, Steven Machat and Dave Phillipson reveal the seven questions that we typically ask ourselves with regards to existence and purpose. Steven also imparts his knowledge and insight on the realities of our global economy and how it is controlled by corporate gods, sharing concepts discussed in his book called The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind. Tune in to this episode to hear Steven voice out his opinion on the IMF, the Vatican, teamwork, chakras, and the corporate influence that is destroying nations.

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The Seven Basic Life Questions

Buckle your seats, we’re coming to you inside your device. We’re going to throw it right at you. We stirred it up quite a bit in episode one, and that was supposed to be an introduction. That’s quite an introduction. Here we come right back at you. We’re going to start with the seven questions. Steven, tell everybody what the seven questions are before we dive in to question number one.

What I want to do is set the show all hands on deck. We’ve run afloat. I’m the captain. I’m crying. Man the ship. Replace the rules. Let no one live under this regime anymore. My friends time to learn the truth. Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance allows others to make believe that you work for them. You’re this slave. We need to understand these seven questions. It’s in my book, Spiritual Insomnia and I will now give you the questions. The questions asked by all of you at one time or another in your life. A real simple one, who am I? Two, who are you? Three, what is the difference between me and you? Four, why are we here on earth? Five, what are we here on Earth supposed to do? Six, what is this world we live in all about? Seven, after this physical life, what is next for us?

Those are your questions, my friends, and it’s simple. Who made up all these rules? Who are they? We’re going to discover who they are. By believing them, that would be true. We don’t care to think them through. My friends, I’m going to teach you what Socrates taught people. I’m opening up The School of Sacred Knowledge. My whole purpose is to make us aware because it’s time we take our head out of the sand and we understand, as Jesus said, “We here for love and compassion.” We need to understand that we are one with God and God is one with us. We don’t need to pray to God the big garden in the sky or the biggest church or biggest synagogue or the biggest mosque as we face Mecca. No, we need to live with God.

We need to honor God and we need to understand everything we do, God sees. There’s no way you can undo what you did except to learn from what you did and become part of the community. If you have an asset that will make you rich, remember that’s the business. Business is to make money but not everything is a business. A lot of it is a social at the price of love and compassion to help everyone have a safety net where they one day can wake up and have all their dreams come true, but in the interim, the dream of a community will live in thrive. Those were the seven questions and I’m ready. Let’s go.

Who Am I?

Go with question one, dive right in.

Three words. It’s actually six letters. Who am I? I’m a consciousness that’s living in this body. This body is separate from my consciousness, but while I’m living here on earth, this consciousness needs to learn how to survive. Do you ever notice when you buy a car, they tell you how the car works? You bought a body, you incarnated into this body. No one tells you how it works. No one tells you what to do. It works by breathing, clean air, eating food made from earth. What do we do? Our air is polluted. No one cares. The water’s polluted. You can’t live without water. We have genetically modified food sitting and altering our entire organisms. It doesn’t work the way it was created to work. Who are you? You’re a consciousness.

Who Are You?

NBNT 2 | Basic Life Questions

The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind: A Rock Opera

What does the consciousness? Let’s have this, somehow from a matrix that’s beyond we wake up and we left the matrix, the truth, my friends, and you need to hear this. We left God. We live with God. We live in an external eternal matrix and we come into a physical matrix. This is a matrix and your body is a machine. It works on organs that have their own minds. It works in energy channels that we call chakras and what happened is we leave as they collected consciousness searching like Joe Cocker saw one day said, “Once while traveling across the sky, this lovely planet caught my eye. Being curious I flew close by.” Instead of I being curious, we all flew close by and what did we do?

We’re stuck here till we learn to live together, being together, support each other and then we will move on. As that old shoots and ladder game, we will move back to God. We left God. The whole game is to get back to God. That’s the game and that’s what we need to learn how to do. In the interim, we’ve created a system here that says, we had these gods and it’s in my new book, Colonizing of Earth and The Making of Mankind. This book took me 50 years of my life to write. This book, it’s my whole life because I never understood why you all believe that these people are better than you. I never understood what you believe. God says you could go kill each other because my God’s bigger and better than yours. I never understood any of this.

I don’t understand how the Vatican sits there, collects all the money, doesn’t help anybody except they give you sanctuary and what they do is they take their money and they give it to the IMF and they support war and death. It’s insane. Who said you could do this to people in physical bodies? Who said you can kill and main people? If that’s what God wanted me to do, I’m checking out because there’s something wrong. My whole purpose, the only reason I’m doing this is to help us all see the path of life, the path back to God. What happens is you’ve got this collective consciousness and then we become an ego. What’s an ego? It’s where we’re like individual drops of water that fall to earth and incarnate in a body form.

What Is The Difference Between Me And You?

An ego is where you edge God out. You live your physical dreams where you worship mammon, property possession as opposed to the community which could make everyone win as a team. We need to make heaven here on earth, health and happiness. The third question, what is the difference between me and you? I actually answered it. The difference between me and you is you became an individual ego. I’m an individual ego and we need to move on in the theme of evolution, to learn how to live and work together. That’s what we’re here for. That’s question four, why are we here? We’re here to learn. We’re here to develop. We’re here to help each other become more with teammates. I am you and you are me and we’re all from God.

Why Are We Here?

What don’t we get? Religion. What does religion mean? It means to bind. RE to bind. You’re locked in handcuffs. Who did this? Why do we let this go on? In 1776 our Founding Fathers, which was Thomas Jefferson and others, they read a lot. They knew everything I’m telling you. In 1789 they flip it and all of a sudden, we become a nation of property ownership and we were supposedly to be the beacon of light for the rest of the world to follow. In theory, it’s great. What we’ve done is we allow people to come in here and buy, own and control us and we need to pay them back. No, we need to pay back the people. We need to help everybody survive.

We need to make everyone believe in the American dream. What is columbra? A columbra in Latin, all the Vatican, all their evils hidden so it could be self-corrected in words. A columbra was a pigeon that carried a message. Take this, Christopher Columbus, there was no one named Christopher Columbus. What don’t we understand? Take those two words. Columbus, that’s the English version of it. Let’s make it Latin, columbra, the message. What does Christopher mean? It means the bearer of Christ. I’m going to ask you all something. Who’s Christ the Vatican’s Christ? Do you know what Christ means? Christ is a Latin word, and if you put it in Greek, it means Christos.

Ignorance is not bliss. Ignorance allows others to make you believe that you work for them. Click To Tweet

It means you’re anointed. How do you anoint Jesus Christ? I love Jesus and you need to hear this. I believe in Jesus, but this Christ’s character, you have to drink his blood and eat his flesh, that’s cannibalism and we believe this. It needs to stop. We need to go back to Jesus. We need to go back to the theme. When you study history, Dave, the first time in the Bible or whatever, Bible Beans book, first time in the book that love was ever mentioned, it’s not there. Jesus came, he was the spirit of love and compassion. He told us what God was and he said, “I am the son of God.” Like you, Dave, and like I am. We are sons of gods. All the women reading are the daughters of God with that spirit. Our makeup in physical form is feminine.

What Are We supposed To Do?

We come out of a matrix, which is a womb. What is woman? It’s a man with a womb. Those women are the creators of our physical regime. In my new book, Colonization of Earth and The Making of Mankind, I tell you how this whole thing began. I tell you where we came from and how we got here. Question number five, what are we supposed to do? We’re supposed to do build a community based on equality where everyone could win. What don’t we understand? When you play sports, you want your team to win. We have these rules where you can’t be one and you could buy everybody’s ball player. When I was heavily involved in the music industry, I tried to get ten songs out of the top ten.

The closest they ever got was I had five. No one’s going to buy everything Steven Machat says because this is competition. No one’s going to buy everything that I say is better than this or better than that. I want to be the tongue. I want to be the sword truth. I want you to understand. Look at what you’re doing and when you see some low spark of high heeled boys walking by you, what is their spark? They’re selling you stuff there. They’re getting money to give you a fake dream. Teams win. You and I were talking about football earlier. I can’t believe the Rams lost or whatever they did. There goes that dream. They’re third place in the wildcard. They may not make it, so why am I saying it to you? LA lives off that dream.

They support their Rams, they want the Rams and it’s like, “What do you do?” I’m a Giant fan and a Dolphin fan by birth, good luck. But you know something, that league will not make them sit at the bottom forever. They’re going to rebuild, restock. That’s what we need to do. We need to learn how to make things better. We need to understand that we’re teammates, and yes, we’re individual souls that need to help each other. If you decide you have the best new clothing line, go for it. If you decide that you have the cure to cancer, you can’t privately own that. That is for the people. You’re helping God help God’s people. You’re sitting there going to go private market it and they call it socialism. A government is a social contract between the people.

What Is This World We Live In All About?

We agree to allow this organization of people to sit and make the rules and regulations so we all could survive and when we want thrive, but not at the expense of everybody else. Number six, what is this world we live in all about? That’s what it’s about. How do we thrive and survive? How do we get rid of cancer? You tell me we can’t figure out how to get rid of cancer. I’m type one diabetic. You telling me that they can’t figure out how to turn my mechanism on that went off, but yet they tell you diabetes still. Do you know what diabetes do? It means your body has insulin and it doesn’t work. Why doesn’t it work? Your body is tired of eating fake food. It’s tired of having this crap come in there and I’ll get a little personal for people.

I had a problem with my esophagus. Apparently, I had anti reflex in my stomach. I would cough up the Monsanto food that I was eating. Monsanto in a later episode, we need to discuss Monsanto. That’s another crime of this century. How dare they do this with food? How dare they put out the DDT? How dare they put you watching TV and all of a sudden, they’re selling you stuff to put in your dirt, which is chemical roundup? What are we doing? When you watch TV, all of a sudden, they’re selling you pharmaceutical pills. They tell you this will help this, but you know you’ve got seven organs. I call them seven. Those seven organs have to work in harmony. It’s a balanced universe in your body.

NBNT 2 | Basic Life Questions

Basic Life Questions: Laws are written by the few who could get the laws written.


These pills, they help wanted to destroy the other six and they’d say to you on TV. Why are we advertising pills in TV? Why can’t we fund the medicines and take care of it? How about Al Gore, my old classmate? We went to law school together. He and I were the characters. He was the son of a Senator who got removed from office for whatever reason. I came to school to learn equity. I do not understand why equity doesn’t overrule laws. Laws are written by the few who could get the laws written. How about this, the income tax? It’s 2016, the new tax law they gave the Congress people who didn’t write the bill. They gave the Congress people one day to vote yay or nay. Are you kidding me? They didn’t read it.

They don’t know what’s there. You have Congress people there who sit and hustle you for money. They wanted me to hustle money when I ran. They wanted me to get on the phone. They wanted my email list. They wanted to know who they could get money from, who’s they? The Democrat and Republican Party. I would see entertainment coordinator for the Republican Party once because I was embarrassed by what Bill Clinton did. I was humiliated and embarrassed the way this clown, went running around selling off everything. When I ran for Senate in 2016, I was in Haiti because I wanted to get the Haiti vote in Florida. Haiti became a country. It was the second country, national country that got liberated from the French.

Napoleon had to let him go. What happened was people when trade with this black nation. In 1830 the Haitian government made a deal with the French where they agreed to pay back the King of France. The monies that they invested, robbing and stealing and destroying an entire population. Do you know they’re still paying off that debt to this day? I was sitting with the president of Haiti and he said to me, we were out in the street. I was sitting with his people and they said, “Look ahead.” and I go, “Yeah.” They go, “Are you for Hillary Clinton?” I said, “Not in this lifetime.” They looked at me and they go, “Good.” I said, “Why would you ask me that?” “We wanted to know if we could show you something.” I said, “Show it to me.”

What Is Next For Us?

They showed me a truck and then the truck it had Arkansas rice. I said, “Okay.” He says, “When they put Aristotle,” I believe that was his name back in office, Bill Clinton. “He made a deal that they had it forego the import tax on US rice.” He told me, “75,000 people had to leave the rice communities moved from the West Coast of Haiti to Port-au-Prince, which created undue hardships.” He said, “We’re buying Arkansas rice.” I said, “Do you get South Carolina rice?” He said, “No, we buy Arkansas rice.” I’m going, “Give me more.” He said, “How about the Clinton foundation? They pick up $40 million. Do you want to see the eight houses they built?” He said, “How about what do you think they get on for each phone call where they help set up with their cronies?” He said, “Your country buries this stuff, you’re afraid of truth.” I looked at him, I said, “I’m the not.” He said, “That’s why I’m telling this to you.” Anyway, they wouldn’t let me speak. They cut me off. It’s insane. That’s what this world we live in all about. It’s to take back our life to live and pursue happiness. Number seven, after this physical life, what is next for us? I’m going to give it to you. It’s in my book, Spiritual Insomnia.

Before you do, what I’m going to do is basically share with the readers a conversation you and I had outside recording and that was in my travels throughout the world. I was the Director of Global Development for an organization that worked with entrepreneurs and everywhere I went it started with Brexit. It brought us Trump and then we have seen it everywhere, including in Bolivia. We’ve seen it in a failed attempt in Venezuela. We’ve seen it in Hong Kong, we’ve seen it in Fiji. I heard it in Romania. I heard it in Fiji from different citizens of countries. That includes Germany, Australia, New Zealand but everybody is saying the same thing, “I want my country back.” That’s what you essentially said in the answer to number six. It’s leading into the question for number seven, I wanted to share that and give people a sense that it’s not the United States, it’s all over the world.


Dave, you put me right where we need to go. It’s called the IMF. The IMF has the International Monetary Fund. It was created in 1944 and what they did is they created an organization that overtook the Swiss banking industry that basically financed Hitler. What they did is they hit it and they created this new organization that would become a One World Banking Order. Let’s go to Hong Kong. What’s wrong with China having Hong Kong back? Hong Kong has a different pedigree. I say yes, they do have a different pedigree and that’s British. How did Britain get Hong Kong? Britain agreed with China to stop selling opium. They also got Singapore in the same way. Those who call the Opium Wars.

We're stuck here till we learn to live together - being together and supporting each other - and then we will move on. Click To Tweet

Britain gave back Hong Kong and Hong Kong was part of the IMF. China is the anti-IMF. China wants a different organization than we do. China creates paper and puts it in play like Monopoly. The United States creates papers we learned in episode one and gives it to the Federal Reserve so they can loan it back to us. We authenticated the money because there’s interest on it. China will win unless we wake up. China is good, different than us because there’s no first interest. They distribute the money. This entrepreneur interest, that’s different. I believe in entrepreneurs. I do not believe in capitalism. I believe they killed us and we need to wake up because we’re all going to be dead. I believe it killed our world. We sit here and we know the answers.

If oil is underneath Earth, the Earth put the oil underneath there and we’re stupid. We sit there and we allow them to do earth, when there’s other ways to fuel our economy? It needs this change. Hong Kong right now is the IMF instigating it because they want to cause a problem to take it away. What’s the problem with the Ukraine? Russia could go and form a banking industry with China and if that happens, we’ve got a problem. We the people, the IMF. Why did we go into Iraq? He was leaving the IMF. What did we blow up Libya? They were leaving the IMF. Why do we hate Cuba? The leader of the country is the bank and he is not a member. The Castro family, they have other problems, but they’re not members of the IMF. That’s where we hate them. North Korea, they’re not problem.

They’re not partners in the IMF. Iran doesn’t do what’s the Saudis do. Their religion it’s against their rules to give money out with interest. What they do is they share the oil with everybody and what they do with the monies that they have? They’ve an IMF account. They give the money to the IMF and the IMF loans it out, but not to their people. We say we believe in Jesus. Where did this Christ come from? Jesus went after the bankers. He said, “You can’t charge interest for people to live because if they’re not living, how are they going to pay you back the interest? Who are you? They loan it to them. When these people are part of a government and you are their government and they’re made to be your servants.”

What They’re Not Telling You

When the Civil War ended in 1865 the banks took over the property of the South and it’s called the Carpetbaggers it should be the banking baggers and Lincoln got shot because he wanted a currency to be created by the people, for the people and of the people. John Kennedy, these aren’t theories. This is naked truth. In August of 1963, he created the US Silver Certificate drawn on the Treasury. He was going to finance his war on poverty with no Federal Reserve interest. He was murdered in three months. We don’t tell you that. The Vietnam War, what was that about? Why did we go against Ho Chi Minh? We need to wake up. I’m going to give you the answer.

South Vietnam became a Catholic nation. The French were the crusades for the Vatican. What went on there? What is this nonsense? Who are we? What are we? What do the French do? They went into Southeast Asia and tried to create the Catholic religion of ownership and control. The Japanese went there. The Germans knocked the French out and the Vichy government, as my father said to me, “Steven, watch out.” When I was shooting at them in World War II, they had German uniform but they were French as well as German. French is a German tribe. Anyway, in Vietnam, 1946 we gave the French back Southeast Asia. Are you kidding me? We took Ho Chi Minh who loved the United States, love the declaration of independence, saluted the United States.

We told them, “No, we’re giving it back to the French. Thank you for your service. You’re not one of us. You’re not a wasp.” We took it from him and he went, “That isn’t happening.” What they did is in 1954 because the French had no army, they bark. The United States ends up in the middle of a Catholic war to keep South Vietnam Catholic. Growing up, I’ve watched people being burned in South Vietnam Buddhists. I’m like, “Why are they burning the Buddhists?” The Buddhists are no angels. Look what they did to the Muslims down there in Southeast Asia and what used to be called Malaysia. Why did we lead our gods of religion? I give you the answer in my coming book Colonizing of Earth and The Making of Mankind. I tell you who these guides were, they existed and they called themselves gods.

NBNT 2 | Basic Life Questions

Basic Life Questions: We should put the money back into the community chest. You can’t let these bankers go running around with that.


The Answers

In the books that I read and the scriptures I put together that the Vatican did everything it could to erase. It tells you they believe in the one creator. They didn’t know if their purpose was to create mankind. Was it that destiny to make mankind or was it their faith to end this experiment? They came here and made us as slaves. That’s why we went to this day we still have gold. They use gold. I tell you why they use gold. I tell you who and what they are? I tell you that they needed gold to put up in their atmosphere because that planet that came here, if you look in an egg, they would have yellow part of the egg and the rest of it was an atmosphere that kept the heat in and it kept the heat out.

That plan, it was self-radiated. It was called the red planet and they called Nibiru. I want you to know I love people. Anyone that knows me will tell that about you. Anyone that knows you will tell you that I’ve walked away from money to protect the people. I’ve walked away from, people who believe they own this because I don’t want that energy all over me. I want to make things. I want to help people have dreams and make those dreams come true and I help more dreams come true than anyone else I know. I have a history of making artists successful.

I bought history of putting together teams so we could live that dream. I want my epitaph to say, “This man helped us get back on the path to God, the Creator of all.” I want you to see the path and we fell often and we need to get back on it. There’s nothing else I could do. I don’t want to become a God. I don’t need a religion. I want you to need any of the truth. I’m a servant and I believe that we’re all made to serve. That’s how a heart works. You give and you take. That’s how your car works. You give and you take. If you give, you’ll fall on your face. If you take your fall on your back, this is a seesaw. Give and take, that’s what we need to do.

Which is amazing because that’s long story of abundance as well. Most people are givers, but they don’t know how to receive. They don’t know how to take. I’m going to throw a couple of teasers in there on a couple of mentions that you made. One of them is with regards to gold. We’ve got pretty interesting guests in a future episode that may have solved that challenge for the world. I’ll see this too, that most people don’t realize this, but the availability of usable gold is the size of a tennis court about 40 feet deep. Again, I’m teasing. I don’t want to go off too long because we’re going to have these guests on down the future, but this is fascinating, too.

About $2 worth of gold is used in every single smartphone and silver as well, and other precious metals but let’s stop that tease for a moment. Also, you mentioned something that was pretty fascinating that we’re going to continue to dive into a number of the provocations that you will is it every show? I’m keeping note. We’re going to go back and we’re going to bring them forward every single time. It gives people something to that. If you heard it in this show and you wanted to go deeper, it gives you an opportunity to send questions to

We’ll be able to address those going forward in future episodes. Ladies and gentlemen, who knows? Maybe one of you may end up on a show as well. If you know of somebody that we should have on a future show, let us know at and we’ll consider that as well, especially if it’s you or someone you know and you have direct contact with somebody. The bottom line, this is going to be a ride of your life and hopefully you’ve got yourself strapped in because we’re going beyond the stratosphere.

If you let your mind guide your heart, you're living as a beast. If you let your heart guide your mind, you're living as an angel. Click To Tweet

This is no question I will not answer. I have no fear. I used to try to teach people, never do anything that you would be ashamed and embarrassed that the whole world was watching because God sees all. If you believe it doesn’t, there’s no amount of money you can undo what you did. All God wants us to do is to live life and to share, not to live life and say, “I’m going to go kill all the Mexicans. I’m going to build a wall in Mexico.” Look at what we believe. He’s going to get Mexico to pay for the wall. He’s building a wall right now. This is insane what we let go on. My Republican friends, you need to hear me. I’m not a Democrat either. I’m a United States lover, I want our country to win. Right now, someone needs to be the bridge to unite those two factions.

Get rid of the corporate influence that has destroyed our nation. What I love, what is the cooperation? It’s like talking to yourself. You’re the corporation and the corporations destroy you. They bring people in, hustle, lie, and they sit and tell you the stock. The whole game is on stock. Let me give you the game of stock. Real simple terms. If it’s $100 today and I get it to $200, I being people. That’s an extra $100. What we do is now the Federal Reserve injects money in because the money’s voice greater. All wealth risen. That’s an illusion. Our wealth hasn’t risen. Wealth rises when you have a healthy active community, not the few sitting there on Wall Street. Now it’s risen.

What happens when it drops? We don’t give the money back that the Federal Reserve injected into our economy. No, it stays with the bankers. The stock goes back up again. They inject more wealth. Who gets the wealth when it goes down? If we were playing the straight rules and a fair sport by a wrong system, I believe that system’s wrong. We should put the money back into the community chest. You can’t let these bankers go running around with that. It’s not the banker that tell you talk to. Look what they do. What interests do you get when you put your money in a bank?

If you’re lucky right now, you get about 2% but what’s even more interesting is in starting a business, you talked about illusion. The first thing one does before starting a business is fill out a fictitious name document. It’s based on a fictitious name.

I love that we’re studying history, then we go to the Belgian Congo. That wasn’t the Belgian Congo. There was King Leopold, the Belgium. He owned that department store called the Congo. What this guy did to those people living in the Congo is insane. Absolute insanity. The Belgium people, which became a country in 1830 when they separated from France, but you’re not allowed to know that. The Belgium Congo, what they did is they took it back from them because they were embarrassed and humiliated.

When you study our history, what the WASP did is they went into Africa and played war games. It was insane. Goebbels, the guy that helped create the concentration camp, he was in business with Cecil Rhodes. They tried out concentration camps and what’s called East Africa. In Colonizing of Earth and Making of Mankind, I tell you what Africa was. To give you a preview for a future episode. ABCU look it up. You will discover what went on there. They mined gold and they created mankind there. That’s little hints that I’ll be dropping to you. Dave, when this book goes on sale, I want everyone to have it. If you can’t afford it, I’ll give it to you. Basically, you could read it on the internet.

It’s my gift to you. One day you can pay me back. This book has got to come out and people need to read it. I give you all the answers and I spent my whole life finding them. Someone was my guiding force because through music, through song and dance. I’ve been in over 100 nations and I’ve been in all these spots and I don’t know why or how? If you want to see something interesting, my friends look up Chinese Longyou Caves 300,000 years ago was created. It’s sitting right there in China. You need to look at it and figure out what it is and how it got there.

NBNT 2 | Basic Life Questions

Basic Life Questions: We need to stop believing other people can tell us what to do. You know what to do.


I got involved in a movie called Anaconda. Anaconda was 1996 and the Japanese embassy was invaded when I was in Lima and people were, “What are we going to do then? How are so running around the shining light?” I had my family with me and I made a decision. I stayed in Peru for two weeks and I went touring Peru because I was looking for the sacred knowledge and it put me on a path that changed my life forever and ever more because I discovered my path. I was up in an airplane and I flew over the Nazca Lines, look at it. When we were created, we had a horizontal view. With our machines on our industry, we have a vertical view too.

You could see truth when you look down, you can only see as far as your eyes go on the horizon. The Nazca Lines with the landing strips of something from thousands and thousands a years ago. I’m repeating myself but in my book, I tell you what I discovered and how I discovered it, but what put me on this train of thought was the word Peru. I’m sitting there and I’m like, “Where did that name come from? It’s not Spanish.” One of the scholars I was sitting with, he said to me, “It’s a Chinese word.” I go, “What does it mean?” He says, “It means mist.” I go, “Why would Peru be mist?” He said, “When you sail from China to Peru, you look at the Nazca Lines, they do get rain. It’s a misty rain like you get in Seattle.” I’m like, “Got it.”

The Chinese were there forever. The Chinese were the Incas or maybe the Incas became the Chinese. We’re going to discover that. I’m repeating myself. I wrote that book as a play because I want to keep you engaged with me. It’s a rock opera. That book has more songs on it because every time I feel the urge, I give it to you. When we were talking about gold, I heard myself humming Dan Fogelberg, The Power of Gold, the soul that you lost for the dreams that you can’t find. Are you under the power of gold? Donald Trump, King Midas. If we didn’t learn the lessons from King Midas, let me give it to you. He has Zeus to give him the power of gold.

What happened was everything he touched became gold, including his wife, including his food, including the water. You can’t live on gold. Yes, we use it for industry. It’s a conduit. Nephilims used it to make sure it didn’t leak their atmosphere, but why would you sit there and have gold? Why would you wear it? It’s pretty, so what, so are you. You’re beautiful. People, there’s nothing prettier than you. You’re God’s love. We are nearing the end of this episode. Did you ever realize you were made? You’re someone’s love song? Two people made you in love. They created you. They created you from the womb. The womb of physical existence. You were made someone’s rhythm and someone’s soul. You were created. You’re an orchestra.

You’re a love song. When you walk around, you need to believe that you won a race. You and the 5 million other sperms to your mother’s egg. We need to sit here and live it and learn it and love it. We need to stop believing other people can tell us what to do. You know what to do. Live in your heart, not your brain, which is the machine, your heart, seven chakras. They come like a rainbow. Chakra one, it’s the bottom. It’s where you get rid of your waste that’s a red color. Chakra two, It’s your sex organs. It’s orange. Chakra three or your organs by your navel. It’s yellow. Chakra four, your heart center. It’s green. When you learn to live in love, you make green, you make one plus one is not two.

One plus one is whatever that you could create, you become more. Chakra five is your throat and we’re going to go where all these chakras come from in later episodes. Your throat, it’s blue, so as the water. It’s where your throat is. It’s where you learnt how to communicate. Your third eye is right there in the middle of your eyebrows a little bit up. That’s Indigo. The seventh chakra, is what happens when life comes down to the earth. It comes up purple. Look at the mountains, look at the ranges. Purple mountains match history. It’s chakra with that’s the image. White light comes to earth and as it gets into our atmosphere, it comes down in seven colors, which are married to your chakras, which is your energy points.

There’s much I need to share and I don’t care what people say whether they believe me. All you’ve got to do is hear me and let those thoughts twist in your mind, twist in your heart and let your heart guide your mind. If you let your mind guide your heart, you’ll living as a beast. If you let your heart guide, you’ll living as an angel were angels that came from God to live here on earth. On that note, all you got to do is hear this song, I could see clearly now all obstacles in my way, going into dark clouds. I throw the ball back to you in our tennis court.

I’ll invite everyone. If you haven’t read episode one, go do it. Stay tune for episode three, we’re moving forward. We’re going to answer your questions and also your criticisms, your curiosities. We’re going to poke at you. We’re going to provoke you and hopefully, stir you to think a little bit more. Contact us at This has been episode two and we’ll see you on episode three. Thanks for reading. We’ll see you next time. 


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