The USA, The IMF, & The World Banking Order

The USA, The IMF, & The World Banking Order

NBNT 3 | IMF And World Bank


We all have conflicting ideas about the governance of our nations. However, one thing is for sure, it is governed by money-loving entities. In this episode, Steven Machat and Dave Phillipson talk about the 2020 US election campaign, the IMF, and the World Bank. Steven emphasizes the game of mass media and how it controls people’s mind in believing fake truth. He also shares the three goals to own and control our time here on earth, as well as more interesting historical facts and his political opinions about how the IMF and money are controlling religions and nations.

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The USA, The IMF, & The World Banking Order

He we go again, the United States, the IMF and The World Banking Order or The World Bank. You are going to wake up. Steven, why don’t you take it right from the top?

I’m hearing a song from my youth. It’s a small world after all, “It’s a small world after all. It’s a small world after all and we’re all suckers.”

I didn’t get that part when I was a kid.

I’m sitting here and I look at people and I’m watching this election going down. We have all these numb and dumb candidates running for office saying, “I’m going to do this and I’m going to do that.” We’ve got the bull in the China shop that’s so unaware of what he’s doing.

To cue in the readers, what we’re speaking of is the 2020 election campaign. It’s 2019. Wrapping up to that, everything else, we’ll leave it as neutral and take it from here.

It’s amazing to me because I am neutral. I think both parties suck. They’re only controlled by banking industry. When I ran for the US Senate, I started tracking and I wanted to get on the debate. The day before the primary, I was going to be on the debate. According to Marco Rubio, he said, “This is exciting.” They had the primary in August of 2016 and all of a sudden, the next day talking about having the debate with the Republican, Democratic Party and Steven Mishaan. All of a sudden, the party said, “We can’t have him on.” Political stopped me, ABC stopped me and Disney stopped me. I was supposed to do it up in Orlando October 17. I sued everybody to get on the debate. First two times I did it in federal court and they threw me out.

The third time I sued them in state court and I got a hearing. I believe there were thirteen lawyers that came down to shut me up because I have something for you all in the stand. I have something for you all here. We don’t live in the light. There are shadows all over us. We’re closed off from reality. The United States was the first nation to have a democracy, or so we’re told. This democracy tried a lot of things out. The Constitution we live in was written in 1788 when there were 2.5 million people in the country and we were thirteen states. We were stealing the rest of the lands that we could from the Indians. We had this Spanish down south who got the land. They got Florida, Mississippi, and Alabama back at the end of the Civil War. You’re not taught this but those three states were called Florida, which means flowering. They went back to Spain after the Revolutionary War because Spain is the country that financed our revolution. The French gave us the troops and I could go into that at another time.

My point is we were a democracy and we were trying to figure out how to make a work. We were a Federation. There were thirteen partners in this, and it didn’t work because the banking industry wouldn’t give us money because no one could guarantee that there would be payment. When I call it the banking industry, I call it the Europeans, and the Europeans went invest in America. In 1788, the Declaration of Independence was overthrown. We were no longer the land of the free where you were here to pursue life, liberty, and happiness. In 1788, 1789 when it was signed, the constitution said life, liberty and the protection of property, but whose property?

The Constitution also said that women don’t count. It also said that a black, just for population purposes, to figure out how many people could be sitting in the House of Representatives, a black counts for 60% of a white. I kid you not. It also said if you don’t own property, you can’t vote in this Constitution under our new rules and regulations. What is property? What is it? I believe the property, I believe the asset the United States has is the will of the people that make it work. You could have all the paper money you want, but what’s it worth if the people aren’t prepared to give up time and they give up product for it? We need a country that believes in our self and right now we don’t. What’s going on is we became the land of the fee.

Someone took the R out of that. My goal now and my goal for the last eight years of my life is to put the R back in there. Be it healthcare, be it the copyright laws, and be it everything we do, we lost track of who we are. What did I say copyright was? Where does it say that someone can own something for 90 years? That’s not right. It’s supposed to be for limited time and unlimited purpose. Who makes up these patent laws? Who says that one man can own your DNA? If you want to have blue eyes, they own the way to make you have blue eyes. Who says that private parties can own AIDS medication? Who says that? I was sitting there with people raising money for cancer. I was sitting with cancer doctors and for whatever reason people like to talk to me and I’ll talk to you.

I said to them, “Let me ask you a question. You’re raising donations to cure cancer, but that’s where people who already have cancer. Why don’t we raise donations to stop what causes cancer? Why don’t we raise donations to stop giving you food that causes cancer? Why don’t we raise donations to stop having polluted air, polluted waters? What are we doing?” They’re looking at me. I said, “Please correct me if I’m wrong. What causes most new cancers in our society?” As we’re talking. I said, “Let me ask you another question. The United States sues to make the tobacco companies pay in all the states to help people get off lung cancer. Where is that money? Who is the lawyer for that money?” The lawyer during the Clinton regime that sued these states and the tobacco companies and everything was the person in Rodham.

The asset that the United States has is the will of the people that make it work. Click To Tweet

He was Hillary Clinton’s brother. He walked off with the percentage of the tobacco hoardings. Why do lawyers get contingency fees on these best losses? I’m legally trained. I think it’s wrong. I’m getting to my point that this whole lecture when I got out of law school, if you charge 12% interest, you went to jail. When I got out of law school, law firms were not allowed to advertise. Now all of a sudden, law firms advertising, who pays for these advertising fees? The banks they represent. Who makes up these new idiot rules where you pay 26% interest? The banks. The whole thing needs to stop. The Federal Reserve and somehow or another, I need to educate all of us, including myself as to how this scam. The worst thing that happened in the 20th century happened and how it just became the monster that it is.

Who gave them the rights? We print money, they lend it back to us and we believe we control them. They lent it back to us and then when they needed to make the banks make money under his Highness Obama, who was an absolute fraud. I voted for him. I’ll tell you straight up, I voted for him and never was more disappointed when he gave the banks the money telling you it’s going to trickle down to you. That’s a lie. I’m a Yankee fan. I can’t stand the Mets. I’ll say it straight up. Citibank gets the money from Obama and they go name the new Mets’ stadium, Citibank’s Stadium. Are you kidding me? They took the money. The people gave them and gave the Mets $250 million.

Jumping in on Obama quick, I have some high school friends that were working on his campaign. They asked me, “What do you think?”

Let me ask you a question. Is this ‘09? Is this the ‘08 campaign or the ‘12 campaign?

It’s 2008. They did both, but they asked me before 2008 elections. They said, “What do you think? I said, “Here’s the guy with absolutely very little experience. His only experience is two terms as a US Senator. His first term, he was a rookie and when he did show up to vote, he voted present or nothing at all. His second term was spent entirely on the campaign trail.” When I voiced that, I said, “This is pretty scary. We’re going down this road.” I was persona non grata with those friends from that point forward.

Everyone thinks he’s this great liberated that gave us health insurance and we’re so stupid, we call it healthcare. He made billionaires have the industry.

It’s not only that, but Americans were forced to buy something that they didn’t want or didn’t need.

The Supreme Court allowed that to go on calling it a tax, not a penalty. What I want to talk about with you, Dave, this comes out of my book, Spiritual Insomnia: A Journey from Consciousness. Next time, I want to give you the science of religion. I want the soul to wake up. I’ve spent my whole life doing this and all I want to do is in lightness, wake us up and let’s move forward. The other one I would like to do is gun control, the Second Amendment. What are we doing there? That’s in the coming event. If you go to, you could get the books or you could go to, you could get all this information. Let’s go to the one world banking order. Open your eyes as you hear my words and let these pictures flow.

To the new crime of mankind. We are militarizing our police. This the game, and this is fascism. The end game of mass democracy is a world of national fascism. Democracy divides us into two sides but unites us when an enemy is identified that must be limited or contained. Mass media is now corporately owned or controlled by the WASP. That’s the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. It’s a controlled banking system run by and for this banking crew. We’ve been bankrupted our culture of independent thought to build new community dreams. Mass media now stops the building of teams. It tears us apart.

What is the IMF? The International Monetary Fund. It began in 1944. Why? Because they had the earlier monetary fund that financed the Nazis and we’re not allowed to know that. They financed the Russians. The New York Bank of Federal Reserve in 1917 floated the Red Army while our army men are fighting on behalf of the White Army to keep communism active. Who financed the communist empires? They’re the Federal Reserve and the IMF. If you happen to disagree with this, you’re label an outsider. The game of mass media is to perpetuate the Germanic society rules of the land, sea, and air in all aspects of life.

Let me tell you something else. Once upon a time you could not own a newspaper and radio or TV station because they wanted to have independent thoughts to share knowledge, to share awareness. All of a sudden, that changed. When we were younger, I’m picking this out of the air. CBS was not a national network. It was an affiliated group with networks that shared programming, but it had its own editorial content. On that line, the newspapers like the LA Times or the New York Times, they had competition. They weren’t all born up. They just have debt, so they have to turn to the banks to finance their debt. They have to turn the you where they advertise and they promote which causes money and your debt goes higher.

NBNT 3 | IMF And World Bank

Spiritual Insomnia: A Journey from Consciousness

The game of mass media is to perpetuate this society rules that of all the land, sea, and air. I’m telling you the goal of this banking elite is simple to follow and now I’m asking you to just follow me. Let’s learn the three goals to own and control our time here on Earth, then look at your lives. First goal is to keep the people of the announced industrial first world in this hegemonic ruling order inline to make sure we obey. Remember, the game is to identify enemies, to keep you scared and then you follow and obey. Who are these nations? The nations of the European Union, the United States, Canada, Australia, Japan and Russia. The wildcard is Russia. It’s a nation so big, it has eleven time zones with a very small population. The nation could go astray. This is where we have mixed media when we hear about Russia.

Also, you need to hear this. Russia is the head of the Eastern Orthodox Church. We here in the United States, even though we don’t want to admit it or the Vatican’s control of property before people. The Vatican has gotten us to go against Russia for 1,000 years. Russia didn’t exist then, but the Eastern Orthodox Church did. In 1066, these two churches excommunicated us. Thirty years later, the Vatican went and had their crusades to take back to Jerusalem. From whom? When did you ever have it? The Vatican of Rome, these lights are going to come out as we keep talking, but the wild card is Russian. What that means is Russia could go to this second group of nations. What did we do to keep Russia in line? We gave Russia the World Cup, which is huge. The whole world participates in it and the Olympics.

Why did we give it to them? Because sports showcased the first world banking order of commerce and trade. Hope is to keep the people in line. Russia said you said can join the nations of group too, make a new world order, and this could happen without China joining the second world order, as China is the real enemy of the WASP ruling society. Why? China does not finance their currency by incurring debt. They print currency and they throw it into play. We, the United States, print money, give it to the Federal Reserve to loan back to us and create debt. When Obama the fraudster and I’m disgusted because as days go on and I watch kids and families incarcerated and student debt they can’t get out of, this is the scam they did to us.

The Federal Reserve loans the money that we gave them to their banks for a quarter of a percent interest. These sleazebags loaned to kids for 6% making 5.5% percent on all these loans and even higher. They sit there congratulating themselves in their ugly ties and suits saying, “Look how great we are. We got no other bank.” No, excuse me. You translated that debt that you incurred sitting there wildcard and selling fake mortgages and screwing the nation. You gave it to the kids of our country. You gave it to the families that wanted the kids to go to school. To learn what? How to work at McDonald’s? To learn what? How to get mired in debt for the rest of their lives, which they can’t get out of? David, we need a jubilee. We need to erase all the debt and I’m going to go on.

Back to the first world societies inline. How do we keep them in line? Make fear and spread random debt. Create a new army of thought control by domestic security and police being militarized. Make the people scared of each other. Keep the body as by keeping resources of the sesames private. Who makes this stuff private? Any necessity must be owned by the government. They’re going to sit and tell you that’s communism. No, that’s called building community in line with God who gave us all this product. The people own those resources, not some third party. The people need to own the communication centers, not some third party.

You want net neutrality? I’m sitting here in LA because I’m stuck here for a few months. I’m trying to get sports shuttles and these comedians want me to give them $160. Maybe I will, but how many people can do this? Why are we going into hock? Why do we have to use spectrum? Why do we have to use all these networks? We think streaming is an advancement. Streaming is absolutely out of line. It must be owned by the people. This is not good to make money and raise your debt. The whole thing disgusts me, but I’ll keep going on.

Now it’s worse than it ever has been. There’s a fascinating book, I don’t know if you’ve read it yet, but it’s by Mark Levin called Unfreedom of the Press. It’s very well-researched. It’s very factual, Mark being a constitutional attorney, but he just walks through step by step through history of what has happened with what the media used to be.

This was funny. That was so stupid to fall in line with it. When this goes on and they keep us scared and afraid, they have the cure. Guess what? Blame others for your needs. Get the scapegoats. Let’s see. Using Donald Trump, the fool and he is a fool. This guy is such a big fool because he’s the ultimate narcissist in office. This could be King George III, the English King, who happened to have been Germany while he was ruling England, which you’re not allowed to know that. The Hanover family. It could be Nero who sat in fiddle while Rome burned. He’s perfect. He’s so crazy. The asset of Donald Trump is he so crazy, he’s going to bring everybody down, which Joe Biden did with his son Hunter. He’s a flat-out drug addict that never had a job in his life. Get him a job in the Ukraine gas company for $50,000 a month. Are you kidding me? More importantly, why is the United States financing Ukraine? Ukraine has been a part of Russia since 1783, after she got rid of her husband.

She and a guy named Potemkin went around and conquered the low territories of the Ottoman Turk Empire, which included Crimea and which included the Ukraine. When the USSR fell, they said to the Ukraine, “We can give you semi-autonomous nationhood, but you can’t join the European Union, EU, and you can’t join NATO, North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Guess what we did? The fools of the IMF, but I’m going to come to it, decide that we’re going to bring them into the EU. What are you doing? We’re going to make them part of NATO? They’re in East Central Europe and we’re going to put them on the North Atlantic treaty to stop the Germans who are running all this? NATO was created to stop the Germans. Whose money? It’s disgusting.

An editorial note for the readers, when he says comedians, he’s not talking about real comedians because they’re funny.

Dave, what bothers me the most is what you stand on the Democratic side, Republican side. We all work for the Federal Reserve. Trump’s barking at the Federal Reserve. If any of these people had balls, what they would do is undo what President Woodrow Wilson did on December 23rd, 1960. All he has to do is sign a note and then the Federal Reserve, nationalize all the banks and I love the retort. “No, we need banks. We need to be independent.” We don’t need any of that. That’s BS. He did it in 1963. Look it up. He issued the silver certificates.

The end game of mass democracy is a world of national fascism. Click To Tweet

He was going to finance the war on poverty without interest. The same thing Lincoln was going to do when the Civil War ended. Without interest, he had greenbacks. Kennedy had silver certificates. You know what you do with your Federal Reserve note? You take the Federal Reserve note to the United States Treasury and they give you US Treasury note. We pay these comedians to distribute our currency? The greatest anti Federal Reserve person was some man that created Monopoly. He wanted to show you, you could win without paying third parties to distribute the cash.

That’s where it came from. Whoever made the game for Milton Bradley, he was at the Federal Reserve. The other thing, I’m just saying this, if you look at the people in the notes, they made a joke of it. Lincoln who was against having a Central Bank is on the five. Andrew Jackson, no one ever says, “Why is he there?” Because he’s the guy that killed the Central Bank in 1834 or somewhere right around there. He killed it. This Central Bank is a European scam to take over our nation when we were out of it and when we left Europe, when we got our freedom allegedly from the British, which we never did. They still own property. The Queen of England, it’s the biggest property owner in New York City, in Manhattan. They don’t pay taxes on any of it. Anyway, going back to this, so they have the cure, as I told you. They blame others for your needs. Get the scapegoats, they’re the immigrants. We’re all immigrants. Where we come from, immigrants are Muslim.

What’s a Muslim? A Muslim is a secular version of the Islamic religion. They live in cities and Arab is someone that lives in a desert and someone that lives in the agricultural lands of North Africa. Let’s blame the blacks. Maybe let’s arm the black so they are shooting each other. Better yet, let’s give black cops awards for shooting blacks. Let’s divide our nation. The Mexicans. Excuse me, I’m living in Los Angeles. This was once a Mexican village, Pico. If you go down Pico Boulevard, who’s Pico? Pico is the man that surrendered Mexico, California to John C. Fremont, who was the first man to run for president in 1856.

This one I love. They had the gold rush. It was called with a meaning “sweet smell.” That’s what San Francisco was called. They get the name San Francisco. Francisco wasn’t even a member of the Catholic Church, but the Catholic Church, because they know the long game, made this man, who was against the Catholic Church because he believed in the spirit of Jesus, not the possession of Christ. They’re two different energies, which we’ll go to later on. This is what these clients do, so we’ll go after the Mexicans. How about gays? Excuse me? Why are we going after gays? That’s their right. Everyone has the human right to do whatever they want. How many of these closet gays are sitting in our government?

Let me tell you a story. In 1999, I represented The Singing Senators, 1998 into 1999. I got them a record deal and they wouldn’t sign it. They were an acapella group. Listen to the floor that I represented and I was so thrilled doing it. Ashcroft, who ran for Senate and lost to a dead candidate. You got Jeffries who was the Democrat who became Republican out of Vermont. You have Trent Lott. I have a huge liking for the South, but you are talking about people that had no reality who are dinosaur and it was proof of why we needed term limits. You got Craig, the Senator from Minnesota. Craig was the Senator who got picked up soliciting boys in a bathroom by giving them notes. I have no problem with gays, but the most anti-gay people are probably gay, the homophobics. Why would you care? I tell them when I ran for Congress, “I’m not for gay rights. Don’t let them subcategorize you. Listen to me, all of you, you’re my equal.

You’re from the one God. You need to be called Americans and you have the human rights to do whatever you need to do and your government has a duty to protect your rights to your privacy within your home and to pursue your happiness.” That’s what we need to do. Now we’ve got the division, then what do we do? We build wars zone borders. We make us hate one another. Trump was perfect. He ran for office. “I’m going to make Mexico pay for this.” Why didn’t anyone call them to account in this instead of Nancy Pelosi who I can’t stand? She’s a dinosaur. I don’t even know if there’s a heart left in her. She’s popping around and she’s representing the Democrats. She’s representing the destruction of our country because no one understands the word impeachment means brought to trial. When they try them in the Senate, they’re going to lose. It’s a waste of time.

If they think that they could get them out of office, what’s wrong with the 25th amendment that says when they’re mentally incompetent? You have physicians that will certify to it. Get them out. When Donald Trump says something and we, the people, think he’s lying, you need to hear this. He’s not lying. He believes he’s telling the truth. If we know he’s lying and he knows he’s not lying, then there’s something off with him. There’s something wrong. He needs to be removed for office. That’s how you get them out. Not these clowns. It may help them. He looks sick. I don’t want to get into it. He looks his unhealthiest he is, and he’s loving it.

He looks fine. I’m speaking from the context that the presidency wears on every president and has throughout, it’s probably the most stressful job in the world. What I like about what he did is he said, “I don’t need to do this, but I’m going to take it on.” Although your point about him being narcissistic, maybe that’s the sole reason that he did because he otherwise didn’t have it.

Let me share this with you because I see things the way people don’t. Most people think and they react to their five senses. I live in my sixth sense. I see beyond what you physically see. I see the chess game that goes on, which check is of this chess game. In my new book, it’s called The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind, I tell you who they are. I’m telling all the readers, if you buy the book and you don’t like it, I will pay you back, but you need to know who they are. It’s the most important thing I could share with you. What they do is they make us hate each other. They make us divided. By doing this, this power in division, it’s a song we did with Peter Gabriel when I used to represent him, because we were political and people didn’t realize it.

It was beautiful. There’s power in numbers when you learn how to divide. It’s so true. We worked with them to see international. I love people, Dave. When I see someone down and out, I ended up giving to them. I’ll give him a smile and we’ll tell them they’re beautiful and give them a hug just to tell them, “You’re not a loser. Don’t believe this. You don’t need to believe what they’re telling you.” It’s just disgusting to make us hate one another. We say, we’re a Christian nation. Maybe we should be a Jesus nation. Jesus is loved in crisis control. Those are two different energies and I give it to you in my coming book. Go to have this intellectual leap. Go to is to get the second world nations to join this banking club way of life.

There’s a problem. The second world nations are not WASP. They’re not White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. They don’t believe in work and you’ll get everything you need in your next life. They don’t believe it. They believe in this life, the present. Your life is called a present. The second world, according to this crew, are the following nations. They’re Mexico, Brazil, China, India, South Africa, and maybe Iran. The goal here is to get these few to be in our system, which we know as the IMF bankers. China and Iran are problems. China is in its own civilization. Let’s not need our world controls. Iran is a wildcard. They could join China or us. Let me tell you something about China. China doesn’t give the IMF the money to loan out. Saudi Arabia gives the IMF the money to loan out.

NBNT 3 | IMF And World Bank

IMF And World Bank: How do we get the third world to join us? We use our culture to be the virtues of living in this new, better world order.


Now what am I telling you? I’m telling you that it’s against Islamic principles to loan money out. The Saudis, who are the worst. They are the worst mothers out there, MFs. I didn’t want to say it because I don’t know what would happen, but that’s what they are. They’re called Wahhabis. Look it up. This is a killing tribe that kidnap the Islamic religion. They kidnap it. They behead people. They financed all the hate against us. They did 9/11. A man who I admire and I like and I know and I got to know when I ran for the US Senate, Robert Graham, the Senator. He wrote the 9/11 report and it was deleted to his 28 pages that told you how the Saudis financed 9/11 either the Federal Reserve Bank in St. Louis.

That brave Obama, that great president. I want to throw up, Dave, when I read, he’s the best President in the United States. How could you disrespect the men who gave their life, who created the energy to make us win in spite of all the odds against us? How do you do that? Going back to George Washington, he begged to not be our first president because he knew the nation would be divided. A man that did nothing would serve our country got in the different idiot battles between two different ones, financed by his guy, Alexander Hamilton’s, desire to create a Central Bank. It didn’t work, but it sure does now. These nations, they’re problems. Trades keep chatter, the nation engaged. Look what they do.

They have no interest in the notes they create. All their product is 30% cheaper than the IMF Federal Reserve machine. We’re sitting there complaining that they’re 30% cheaper. I’m giving you roundabout numbers. I respect you liking Donald Trump. I understand it because Hillary Clinton is the worst person I’ve ever met. This woman, what she’s done to our nation is disgusting. Obama wins by making her lose. He’s telling us that Hillary Clinton is not fit to be president. Eight years later, she’s fit to be his successor? This is what the guy wants to leave with his legacy? Are you kidding me? I don’t get the whole thing. Maybe they just throw their hands up in the air and they say, “We don’t know what to do.” I’m telling you what to do. Nationalize Federal Reserve.

The reason he wanted that to be his legacy is so his legacy would not be uncovered, which we’re seeing unfolding. By the time some readers will read this, it may have already unfolded.

What did he do? That’s what I want to know. What did he do? Nothing. He gave us health insurance. He didn’t do something. He did it for the banks.

I’m sure he did. He gave $1.5 billion to Iran on pallets in cash. What else did he do?

Dave, I need to edit you right there. He gave it to him. When a condition no one publishes, he gave it on a condition that they rejoin the IMF and they did. This is the kicker. When they rejoined the IMF, they did not give the IMF their money to go loan out around the world. The other culprit in the IMF is the Vatican. The Vatican, they collect money for Jesus Christ. They give none of it to the people that they’re allegedly representing your passage to meet God through them. They give it to the IMF. The Vatican is one of the biggest gun-running organizations in the whole world. It’s disgusting, Dave. I look at him like, “God, please give me the power to make people see this. Please, God.” What’s running, what we worship in these churches and the synagogues is not God. It is a property possession grab.

Now let’s get to group three. That’s everybody else. Game here is keep these lands and water rich societies in line. Make them use our first world banking system. Make these nations submit to our economic world by destroying all opposition, the thoughts different than our controlling order. See what we do to those who do not submit. Look around. North Korea, Iran, look what we did. We may like them or dislike them, but compared to the Saudis, you’re looking at angels compared to the devil. Iran has never had a war in 2,500 years. What are they doing? Do you want to understand what went on in Syria? It’s really simple. The banking order wanted pipeline to go one way, so the Saudis would have first access to the Mediterranean. The Russians wanted their oil to come through straight to Syria to reach the Mediterranean. The oil pipelines. When Syria went with the Russians, the British, the French, the US, the Vatican, everyone decided that the guy who runs Syria that the British put in there in the first place was horrible.

Iran had a war with Iraq.

Everyone has the human right to do whatever they want. Click To Tweet

Iraq attacked them. Iran did not attack them. It’s the other way. Why did Iraq attack them? Because the US gave them weapons of mass destruction, which we denied giving them. There were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. Dave, it’s funny. Coming out of the music industry, we used to have to do audits to see what happened with the albums that were pressed and we were told weren’t sold. We would ask them to show us where the albums are, “We can’t find them.” We gave Iraq the weapons of mass destruction, including gas. When the war ended, we said to them, “We encourage them to go into Kuwait.” Bush sat there and he told them, “Whatever.” The nation, Kuwait, how was that created? The British created that. There’s no nation named Kuwait. It was all part of the Arabian Peninsula.

All of this is crazy. There was a nation named Yemen and these billions of people there who are being blown up by our own guns, by the Saudis, but we don’t do anything about that. The Saudis by our bombs. The Saudis have the nuclear weapon. No one’s ever discussed that. Dave, it so badly needs to stop and I just hope people could see it. Let’s go a little bit further, Venezuela. Why all of a sudden that we hit Venezuela? Who bankrupted that nation? They bankrupted it. They wanted the IMF to take it over. What did Cuba do? Cuba stopped funding the IMF. Cuba has its own currency. The leader of the country, the dictator owns the currency of the nation and he trades through China. That’s why we don’t like them. I must add that Cuba does not let Monsanto into that nation. Cuba has free healthcare and free education and the people are happy. They may not have property, but they love each other. There’s no jealousy and there’s no debt. Could they have a better world order? Yes.

I will contest that there. I will contest that they’re happy, though. I was there, It’s not a happy nation. For happiness, I use Fiji as a benchmark. Cubans are mainly in fear of the government still.

I agree with you. I’ve been there seventeen times in three years. They are in fear, but who puts the Cuban government on the line? They’re waiting for the United States to come invade them again. It’s crazy. The Bay of Pigs, the story that we’re not allowed to know. When they invaded them, instead of attacking the North, they flew over the country and attack the South, the Bay of Pigs, which is in the South part of the nation. All the missionaries, who are USA agents, when they got picked up, no one was killed. They rounded them up on the beach and they took them in and they traded them back to the United States for peaches. They gave the peaches to the kids because the United States stopped giving them peaches. Peaches don’t grow there. They grow in Georgia. I love peaches. I was fortunate enough to work with the real Allman Brothers band and Capricorn and I’m just visualizing the album, Eat A Peach. That was good music, that album. That may have been their best.

There were no almonds in the Almond Brothers Band.

You’re right, there were none. Use our corporate culture to be the virtue. How do we get the third world to join us? We use our culture to be the virtues of living in this new world, better order. Make everyone want to be American, the limit, social, McDonald’s and Coca Cola and bankrolls Monsanto. Goal three is to find rulers who will submit to your rule, make them part of your club. Stage fake elections in these lands. Britain in its top dog, they created kings, and they made those kings the rulers of their lands and part of the alleged British Commonwealth. That is what the UK did to this group two and three nations. Remember, Britain made its empire is selling people.

They were the biggest slave traders of them all, selling drugs and stealing resources. Selling those resources back to the land and then new shape. Example, cotton, what they did in India. They took the cotton from India, made the clothes over there in Manchester, in Birmingham, in the Midlands as they call it, and now they’ve sold it back to India. That’s when you see pictures of Gandhi, who was an English trained lawyer who worked in South Africa for the banks, enslaving people there. He had an awakening and he’s like, “Why am I working for these warlords? All they do is make war.” He went back to India and he said, “We don’t need Britain in this nation.”

What he did is he started, you see pictures of them making clothes with the cotton, whatever you call it, the cotton machine. After World War I, outside of Iran and Egypt, the UK carved the land of the Ottoman Turk Empire in the kingdoms that submitted to UK rule, exceptions being Israel and Lebanon. Lebanon was French and Israel. What they did after World War II is they said to the British, “You aren’t playing this game anymore. We’re becoming a nation.” Israel, being displaced Jews from Central Europe called Ashkenazi, they’re not from that region, their families. The Ashke means Aryan. They were the Aryans that believed in the Jewish God, not the Christian God. That’s why they went after eliminating them.

These people who liked making money became the perfect front that were first-world, stayed in the land mass called the Middle East. These Jews believed God chose them. It makes me sick. God didn’t choose them over you. God chose all of us to live in peace and harmony. I tell you where this thought came from. It’s in my coming book, Colonization of Earth in the Making of Mankind. I identify these guides, they did exist and this book, I’m telling you, will shake the entire foundation of our world thought because I want to bring you back to truth. All I could do in my forum right now is help you see the path back to the creator, not to these fake gods.

NBNT 3 | IMF And World Bank

The Colonization of Earth and the Making of Mankind: A Rock Opera

The rallying cry is how they survived the Vatican in the dark ages, making them to scapegoat to the Vatican’s hegemonic European control. It’s like this whole thing is crazy with the Jews. Israel now is the second home of the military industrial machine that secures this first world way of life. They had to in order to survive the third word, Palestines, an enemy for no reason but tradition. The Palestine, some more Hebrew than anybody. They’ve lived there since when BC became AD. Just to play with your brains, it goes minus BC one to AD one with zero. How come there was no start?

They were practicing a Y2K few thousand years early. Speaking of gods, I want to remind the readers of your book, Gods Gangsters and Honour. It’s a rock and roll odyssey and there’s a lot of fun in the book. I also want to use this point as a teaser of the science of religion. Let’s end it here. What do you say?

I agree but I have a little bit more here. Let’s end this. Next time, if you want, I could just finish what I was telling you. We got though with the Palestines and I talked about Cuba. We need to be educated. Trump is not wrong either about fake news. Trump is not wrong about a lot of things he says. His problem is he’s not the greatest communicator because he agitates, but they were after him from day one. He won an election. If you play Poker, he drew a straight flush. There was no way he was going to win unless he won five states and he got all five of them. He got Wisconsin, Michigan or Ohio and Pennsylvania. He pulled them all in. I didn’t know where. He pulled in those states and he became our president and I’ll tell you, he is our president.

He needed an electoral college and let’s leave with this thought. The word electoral college, where did it come from? Do you know how you elect a Pope? These are our framers of the Constitution. The way we elect the president is the same way a Pope is selected. We have electors who they called the cardinals who voted in who their Pope would be. Each state gets to vote in their electors. The real significance of the electoral college is it allows each state to, in theory, have something to say rather than just have a mass democracy of the most populated States overriding and getting rid of the small states that were promised an identity.

There is one major difference however.

What’s that?

One party still won’t let the smoke clear from the 2016 election.

They can’t. They were humiliated. I was like, “Are you kidding me?” Have you noticed how quiet Obama is? He says stuff but he’s not getting into the middle of this. I’ll give you one last thought. It’s okay for the United States to kill people running for office to get in the middle of all their elections. I’m going to upset some people reading but follow me because I’m only doing it to wake us up. Don’t you think the other nations would try to do that to us? Let me ask you something. I’ll give you, for argument’s sake, Russia made the election go Trump’s way. What did they do? They showed you who Hillary Clinton was. The lies, the games and the manipulation she was pulling off to make you think she should be president.

While she was using the Ukraine and Russia to swing the election her way.

She gave Russia uranium back in the 2000 to 2010 time. She sold it to them. She gave it to them. Her and her husband. It came out of West Canada.

They traded it for access.

When she said she paid taxes, she’s never paid a tax in her life. She had taxes with help because she was a government employee. The Clinton Foundation pays no tax. Anyway, thank you for letting me talk, Dave. Thank you so much for joining me, the day of the sun. I wish everyone a good time. If I did nothing else, I hope Dave and I as we did our back and forth, opens your hearts and let you see the pictures flow because the pictures tell you the truth. See what’s in front of you. Don’t see what your brain is trained to see and do. Thank you. Dave, I leave it to you.

Thank you. Thank you, readers. We’re going to poke you. We’re going to provoke you some more so we can elevate others as well and bring them along.

We’re going to find that yellow brick road, the path of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

We’re trying to get inside your head to poke you, provoke you. Thank you.

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