All The Good Reasons Why The Government Should Change

All The Good Reasons Why The Government Should Change

NBNT 1 | Why Government Should Change


In a nation with too many leaders claiming to be woke and engulfed with their political correctness, people are often paralyzed to a forced reality of glory. Today, Dave Phillipson interviews world renowned entertainment mogul, author, and attorney Steven Machat about his opinions on the democrats and republicans running America. Steven believes that the country needs real leaders, people who represent the people, and not those who have ruled regimes and took advantage of the federal reserve. Listen more as Steven wakes us up to why the government should change and who and what great leaders should be.

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All The Good Reasons Why The Government Should Change

We’re going to provoke you. We’re going to poke you. We’re going to take you all the way around. First, let me tell you a little bit about who Steven is. Steven Machat is, as Wikipedia tells it, a maverick. He’s in the entertainment mogul, the producer of Bird on the Wire. He’s an international attorney, but there’s a whole lot more. He’s rubbed elbows, and I’m not talking brush with greatness. He’s brushed with a lot of greatness. They’re names like you would not believe: Frank Sinatra, Liz, Leonard Cohen, Phil Spector, Stacey Jackson, Snoop Dogg, Bobby Brown, Suge Knight, Phil Collins, Peter Gabriel and the list goes on and on. We’re going to ask him questions. You’re going to be able to ask him questions through email. I’ll ask him questions and he’ll ask you questions. He’s going to ask you questions like, who are you? In fact, why don’t we start that with Steven? Steven, who are you?

I’m Steven Machat. I’m not an international attorney. I am an attorney by training and I’m an accountant by training. I consider both as my economic weapons of warfare to protect the people. I’m anti-corporate. I’m anti-federal reserve banking system and my whole goal in life was to get the wisdom, to understand why we believe this system, to find out who are they. Who made up these rules that we believe to be true? By believing them to be true, we make them true. Why do we live in a nation that now allows a banking system to charge interest at over 24% when I graduated law school in May of 1977 if you charge 12% that was usury?

It was a crime. What happened to our nation? Where did we lose our soul? What does the declaration directly say life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness? Why is the declaration nowhere as the preface nor sentence of the Declaration in our Constitution? The Constitution says life, liberty and the protection of property. Whose property? That’s what no one wants to figure out. The bankers’ paradise that we’ve become, who made up these rules? Why are there only two political parties? Why do we live in a society where it’s either A or B? What are we? It needs to end. We need to become a land of the free.

It’s not what we’ve done, the land of the fee. I’m here to explain as much as I can how it happened, why it happened. I’m going to give you solutions how we could change it. I ran for the United States Senate against Rubio and the parties did everything they could to stop me, including telling the media not to cover me anymore because they liked me. I love people. I have love and compassion in my heart. I do not have ownership in control, Dave. What I’m here to do is I just want to help awaken us. You don’t need to know if I’m basically, “This is my way or the highway.” No, my way is, “Wake up. See what’s going on. How did this happen? Why did this happen?” Here we are, Dave, you and I, and we’re ready to go.

There are a lot of people that are claiming to be woke, but they’re far from it. Do you want to touch upon that of a little bit?

By believing things to be true, we make them true. Click To Tweet

Thank you for putting me on this track immediately. We have all these Democrat candidates running for president. Not one of them is dealing with the issue at hand. We are a nation mired in debt. No one has ever asked who do we owe the money to? What is this game that we’ve fallen into and why did we fall into this game? There is no debt. It’s imaginary. We have a federal reserve banking system that needs to go bye-bye as quick as we can. We need to nationalize it. When I look at all these Democrat candidates running, I’m like, “What are they talking about? Medicare for all, it’s the simplest thing to do.” An anti-federal reserve person or a few of them, they created a game called Monopoly. When we created currency, we put it in play. We distributed to the people of the nation. Not our nation. We give the paper to the Federal Reserve, which is not a United States government organization. It’s a cartel of individual banking houses that run our currency.

We give them the paper and then they loan it back to us and it’s like, “Are you kidding me?” They loan it back to us with interest. They reduced the bond, so they get that percentage. They charge costs, they charge expenses. We’ve never audited them. When I look at all these candidates saying we can’t afford Medicare for all, but yet we could afford bombs and weapons, so we could finance the Ukraine. What are we financing the Ukraine for, Dave? First off, Ukraine became part of Russia in 1783. Florida became part of the United States in 1819. We’re sitting there arming Ukraine. Why? It’s called the IMF. Why the IMF? They want a one world banking order. What are we doing? Why don’t we take control? Why are all our candidates scared? Why won’t they step up against the banks?

There’s no media left anymore. The media won’t put anything on that challenges the advertisers who were there. Many years ago, there was an episode. It was the year 2000, 2001 and there was a TV cartoon show that became a movie. It was violent and I was watching it out here in LA with my son. I took him to see it. I forgot the name of the show, but it will come back to me. After the show ended, NBC was there and they had the red light on and they said, “May we interview you?” I said, “Yes.” They said to me, “Why would you take your son to something so violent?”

I said, “What do you mean?” “Are you okay with him watching violence?” I said, “What is your news all about?” The guy looked at me and goes, “What do you mean?” I said, “The only time the news gives you good news is sports because someone had to win the game. All you do is rip things apart. It’s insane.” One time I was with Bob Dole in 1996 and I still don’t understand why the Republicans ran him. They knew we would lose and Newt Gingrich looked at me and told me, “We already have a Republican president. We couldn’t get a better Republican. Bill Clinton will get everything done that we want, and being a Democrat, it will get done.” Those were words from Bob Dole.

The reason I said this to you is Bob Dole was sitting making a campaign off a movie that I was involved with Andy Banya. It was called The Scarlet Letter and I’m like, “Why are you telling people how horrible that movie is?” He goes, “It is.” I said, “Don’t you understand no one went to see it? If you’re going to sit there and you’re barking on something that no one wants to see, why are you doing that? Don’t do that.” I also tried to bring Bob Dole to La Opinion to get him an interview in the entertainment section of La Opinion on a Sunday. He wouldn’t go there because he told me they would never give them a good review because they were Mexican. I’m looking like California’s North Mexico.

NBNT 1 | Why Government Should Change

Spiritual Insomnia

I can’t believe these people. I can’t believe what goes on. Dave, all I want to do is just sing a song of love and compassion, which is what Jesus was about, not Christ who’s ownership and control. Dave, there’s something out of order and we need to walk on earth and understand who we are. My book, Spiritual Insomnia, I try to give you all the answers. I tried to tell you that we’re a metaphysical creation and they tried to explain to you that if we live in fear, we become beasts. If we live with loving compassion, we become the angels we’re supposed to be. In this book, I gave all the answers that I’ve learned walking on this planet for my 60-plus years. There’s no financial gain for me. I want people to have love and compassion and to make this world the perfect heaven of health and happiness.

What I find ironic is that it’s not just one party. So far, we’ve poked just a little bit of both the Democrats and the Republicans. The bottom line is, and I forget who the first one I heard this from but politicians are like underwear. They should be changed often because they both smell.

Here’s what’s important if I can edit you, there’s one political party. It’s the United States banks. It’s two-headed. You have a Democrat and Republican. It when I ran for the United States Senate, I ended up suing to get on the debate because the networks decided who would be on the debate. You had Marco Rubio who I still can’t believe is in the Senate, and then the Democrats ran a candidate whose father started financing the Democratic Party. He had a lot of money. I’m like, “I need to be on that debate. I could, when I could talk to the people, I’ll represent the state. I will not represent the banking industry.” Both parties work and pay for the Federal Reserve. If I could bring us back in time, it’s 2009. Barack Obama had money. He was the puppet of the banking organization.

What he did was instead of giving the people the money, he gave it to the Federal Reserve bankings, so they got the $8 trillion and it was supposed to trickle down. I’m a Yankee fan, so I’m biased. Citibank, who was bankrupt, gave the Mets $500 million of the money that we, the people, have to pay back to name the stadium. It’s wrong. We’ve become a corporate organization. There are no corporations. Corporations are an imaginary concept which allows people to do something longer than a lifetime. It also allows people to hide behind that corporate veil and lie and steal and cheat. When they fine these corporations for wrong behavior, does anyone ever sit and investigate who paid the fine and where did it go and why didn’t the people get it back?

It’s sick, Dave. We need real leaders. We need people in office who represent the people, not people in office who represent the Democratic or Republican regimes. Watch your finances at conventions. Same corporate parties. You look at our history and we’re supposed to be anti-monopoly. There are four of them that need to go quicker than quick. Facebook needs to be nationalized. How dare we sit and let these clowns sell our data? We’re their product. We, all of us who’s on Facebook, they sell our data. It’s like, “Are you kidding me?” How about Amazon? That needs to be broken into 50 states. Each one should designate what they need to do. You got bozo running around with all this money. It’s wrong. Google needs to be broken up. Apple, they sit there in an island where they get all their money and pay no tax. As a matter of fact, none of them paid tax and it’s sick. I worked my whole life to get in the office to help us see truth, to help us have people believe in a dream because we’re a team. With the corporate team, Dave, it needs to stop.

We need to re-create our nation into a team of equals where each man or woman can become king or queen and live their dreams. Click To Tweet

Which is funny because on Google News, it pushed me a story. It was a conspiracy theory story, but it was quite interesting. It talked about how that Mark was not the founder of Facebook that he was a puppet for the banking system. They built it just to keep tabs on you, me and everybody else reading that has a Facebook account.

The truth is he was one of the team that did it and he outsmarted everybody because in the United States we teach people to be capitalists. What’s a capitalist? It’s someone that takes other people’s effort and makes it his own. There’s no sharing, there’s no teamwork. Not one of them will ever get to the World Series. What they do is with when they don’t need the scraps, they give it to charities, which are organizations that go around celebrating how great the donors are. It’s sick, Dave. We need to wake up.

There are two types of capitalism. I believe there’s competitive capitalism, which is that everyone for themselves. There’s also the cooperative capitalism where there are people that are building something for the greater good and they do give back. They do contribute. If we look at contribution here in the United States, certainly, it tends to be that we don’t need the government to take care of us because the individual communities will.

The government is the people. What we’ve done is we’ve made the government a corporation. We, the people, need to take care of the people. We need to build communities. We don’t need a federal government, which was created for an agricultural nation of 2.5 million people to sit and tell 360 million people how to live. We don’t need a federal government telling us that we’re not going to have any more oranges or grapefruits in Florida because we’re going to buy them from Mexico. This is crazy. We don’t need a federal government telling California how we should live out here in California. I’m a lucky guy. I’ve lived all over the world. I’ve seen truths.

We don’t need a federal government telling you and me and everyone listening to us that Medicare for all means we’re going to have to tax everybody. That’s a lie. You print the money and you make it part of your budget. We don’t need to tax anybody. We need Medicare for all because it’s a coach ticket. You want a business class ticket to help? Pay for it. You want first-class? Go get it. There’s no reason everyone in this country can’t have healthcare. There is none. When I look at those comedians from Elizabeth Warren to Mr. Mayor of Indiana, it’s sickening. Bernie Sanders doesn’t get it. He’s working for the Federal Reserve. He’s sitting there arguing about the 70% left after the Federal Reserve accounts to the United States government.

NBNT 1 | Why Government Should Change

Why Government Should Change: There’s no reason everyone in this country can’t have healthcare.


When you get your dollar bill, look at it. It says Federal Reserve note. What does that mean? That means you could turn it back to the United States Treasury to get a US Treasury certificate. Why is the United States treasury distributing our cash? Why do we have the Federal Reserve then? It needs to go. It’s the greatest climb of the last century in 1913. It reminds me of the Supertramp song, Crime of the Century. On November 11th, we’re celebrating the end of World War I. No, that’s not true. World War I ended in November 9th. These comedians, what they did is they made November 10th the testing to see how the new weapons of mass destruction work, which were financed by the United States banks and the system that we call the IMF. These people make money out of war.

That’s what we do. We need to understand the truth. There’s competitive business and then there’s business to build community. A business to build community, you don’t need to be the riches. Do you want to go hit 75 home runs and get rid of Barry Bond’s, Steroid Man’s homerun record? Go do it. You want all the money in the world? Go get it, but don’t fix the game next year someone else can’t win the championship. We do this in sports. We sit and make sure no one gets too much because it’s wrong. We don’t need gods like that. What we do is we create media. Media made Donald Trump and Donald Trump’s result of what Hillary Clinton and the Clintons did to our country. Barack Obama ran. He knocked Hillary Clinton right out the same way Donald Trump knocked her out. If you go back to those primaries in 2008, Obama won the red states and the red states were proportioned.

He got all the delegates’ votes, the blue states, whatever you want to call them. The votes were segregated. If Clinton, you got 55%, Obama got 45%. They tried to fix the game and it was the game and that’s how Donald Trump won too. They’d sit and forget the rest of the world, and I’m in favor of the electoral college because it stops a runaway majority, and Hillary Clinton blew it. Barack Obama, when he ran for office, he got rid of it because she wasn’t fit to be a president. His legacy is Hillary Clinton? Shame on him. His legacy is he gave the banks all the money? Shame on him. His legacy is he put us in debt? Shame on him. His legacy is he gave us healthcare called Obamacare? Shame on him. That’s a corporate Democrat’s scam for insurance companies. Going back to World War I, when you read the end, the United States never got paid back their debts from Europe, but the bank has got all their monies. The JP Morgans? It’s disgusting and I’m repeating myself with love and compassion. I believe it can change.

Donald Trump’s the best thing that happened to the United States. He shows us where our system failed and to prevent someone like that from getting in office. He’s King George III. He’s not lying, people. I was a criminal lawyer. To lie, you need to know you’re lying. He doesn’t know he’s lying. Now you say, “What does that mean?” If someone doesn’t know his lying when he watches himself lie in video, then he’s not capable of knowing truth. He’s mentally off. He needs to be replaced. He sat there like he was some kind of Roman emperor telling, “Do you pray? I’m not going to give you money unless you tell me what Joe Biden’s son was doing there.”

What was he doing there? A drug addict, and there’s many drug addicts now working for a petroleum company in Ukraine, with Joe Biden sponsoring Ukraine, leaving Russia. Who are we fighting for? Why can’t we take care of the people here in the United States? Why can’t we, where you and I are in Southern California, figure out how to make water from the sea, from the ocean? There’s no water here. We’re dripping acid rain, Dave. We got to wake them all up. We’ve got to learn how to play ball so the community can win and the home run hitter could win too. We need to make the better world and we need to wake up, not live in 1788 like those in holy words.

We live in a world where if your handshake's not good, you’re all of a sudden stuck in contracts. Click To Tweet

You go back to 1788 and that constitution they wrote, they said, “Blacks equals 60% of white for a vote count.” They can vote. That’s to figure out how many representatives you get in the House of Representatives. They said, “Women don’t count.” As a matter of fact, if you don’t own property, this government’s not for you either. How could we let this go on? How could we do this? Who are we? Why do we believe that the Declaration of Independence is the same thing as the Constitution? It’s not. This became WASP land, White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. Woodrow Wilson in 1920 told the Japanese, “I can’t put in that preface of the league of nations that all men are created equal because you’re not our equal.” Japan looked and said, “We get it.” What they did is they put together an army and they were our allies in World War I. They put together an army and what they did with their army and navy is they went into Southeast Asia.

No one ever asks why they were in Southeast Asia. They knew they needed rubber and they didn’t trust the United States to give it to them. They didn’t trust our intentions because as Wilson said, “We are not all equal.” I’m talking about Woodrow Wilson. In 1915, there was a movie called Birth of a Nation. In the movie, Birth of a Nation, it was silent, which meant they had to put words underneath it, subtitles. He had a party at the white house when the movie came out in 1915 and he invited people to the party. He was so proud of himself because he wrote some of the lines. He wrote how the KKK saved the United States from blacks who were not capable of joining a civilized society. Did you ever ask who created the slave trade?

It’s in my book, Sacred Knowledge. Who created the African slave trade? The Vatican. In 1455, Pope Nicholas V said, “We could buy niger,” which is Latin for black. In Spanish, it’s Negro. That’s where those words come from. It’s in that Papal Bull of 1455. No one wants to see how it all began. Why do we believe these things to be true? Who made them true? Dave, just pick my brain. Let’s go. Let’s knock the ball out of the ballpark. Hello America. We’re going to re-create our nation, a team of equals where each man can become king. Each woman can become queen and live your dream as long as you provide for everybody else, not just yourself. We are a greedy, selfish nation. Where we go to wars, why are we in Iraq? Why are we in Afghanistan? Why did we try to attack Venezuela? That’s not the United States.

I love when people tell me, “These soldiers are protecting America.” No, they’re not. They’re protecting the IMF’s business. It’s disgusting what goes on there. These poor boys and girls are now saluted at ballgames. Those ballgames, those leagues that get money from the army to buy the advertisement. I love our soldiers. They dedicated their life. They come home depressed and disgusted. They sit there with drones and they go kill people they can’t see anymore. I give the whole story in my book, Sacred Knowledge, A Rock and Roller’s Guide to Higher Consciousness. I’m going to keep saying that we need to wake up.

In 1977, there was a movie that came out. It was called Network. I was at law school. I was at Vanderbilt. I went to see it with a few friends and they all looked at me the next day at school and they said, “That’s you.” I said, “What do you mean that’s me?” They said, “You’re going to be the voice that said I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore.” I’m older, so all I could do is show you we made life hell. It’s evil what we’ve done. If you could reverse evil, live. That’s what we got to do. We need to reverse the evil greed that’s taken us over. All these good Christians who worship Jesus, the energy of love and compassion, right on.

NBNT 1 | Why Government Should Change

Why Government Should Change: A government is made to provide the health, welfare, and safety for all its people.


My new book, Colonization of Earth and The Making of Mankind, I tell you I love Jesus, whose real name was Ssu. He stood for the fact that he understood anyone to the Egyptian school of sacred knowledge where he learned love and compassion, not rules of order made by they or royalty made by they and the Pharisees. He was in the scene. That’s what the East stands for. The Spanish, the Vatican, created the romantic languages and they created the J. There was no J. The J came in maybe the twelfth century, and you don’t pronounce the J, so you call them Jesus in Spanish. It’s crazy, Dave. Let’s wake them up. Ask me questions. Let’s go. I’m sitting here and I’m ready to talk and I need people to listen and wake up.

They’re certainly welcome to email their own questions. Write to the site and we’ll get that information to them. Before we go further, you’ve taken some swipes at some people and you’ve said some very disturbing things. I’m going to poke back in the future. I’m always going to be referring back to this because there are a number of things that you’ve said that I’m going to swing back, make you defend some of your comments and go forward. I think that will, one, be a lot of fun. Two, we’ll give you an opportunity to support some of the things you’ve said. We’ll also give an opportunity to have some contradictions or contradictory statements come in as well, and we’ll do that in the future. How would you like to end this before we move forward?

Basically, what I’ve done is have introduced my thought process. I’m a protector of people. I’ve done it my whole life. Everything I’ve ever done, I would see energy, like the centrifugal force, a wheel that gets you to think. That gets you to see and get you to join each other and make things better, make people love each other. I’ve never worked for the corporations. I couldn’t do it. I sit and watch these people. Why? I read these contracts in law and I’m like, “How could you write this?” Like in the music industry, to get right on it, we used to get contracts and they would give one page would tell you what you’re giving them. The second page would tell you what they giving you and then they went from 28 or 100 pages of telling you why on page one, what you’re giving them is absolute and page two is qualified. You don’t get it. We don’t have to pay you. You have to sue us this way. You have to sue us in that court. We live in a world where if your handshake’s not good and you’re all of a sudden stuck in contracts, it’s crazy. How about the banking industry in real estate? Let’s look at that scam.

Those clowns get 30 years of interest on you compounding. They sit and suck you into a deal. They know you don’t have money. The whole thing set up to foreclose. What went on in 2008, not one of those bankers or mortgage companies or stockbrokers went to jail, but yet you put someone in jail because they’re trying to earn a living and they may sell pot. They’re so greedy now, these companies called state governments that they’re charging 30% tax on pot. That’s insane, Dave. The whole thing’s insane. We fell on our heads. There’s a song. This is one of the best songs I know. It was written by a woman named Jem. It came out and she’s from Wales, which is a land of beauty green and you’re living in nature and who are they?

Who made up all these rules? Why do we believe them to be true? What are we doing? It’s on an album that she has called Finally Woken. We just need to hear and we need to understand these lyrics. What I want to do next time, I want to hone in on seven questions that each of us answer. Right now, I hit a booty booze and a song when I started college in 1970. Why do we never get an answer to the questions that we ask? Why don’t we understand love? Why don’t we understand compassion? When I look at people telling me that they don’t want these people to have health care, I just don’t get it. When I look at people tell me that the homeless is not a problem. There’s more homeless in Los Angeles than San Francisco, the blue corporate states.

Wealth is when everyone around you is secure and knowing they have a safety net. Click To Tweet

Excuse me, not everything’s about making personal wealth, to be healthy. A government is for the people of government, by the people, for the people read the Declaration of Independence. That’s the greatest statement ever written. It was written with theories that you build communities and you all survive so everyone can thrive. A government is made to provide the health, welfare and safety for all its people. It’s to give everyone a chance to pursue a dream and it’s not to be owned and controlled and it’s not to outsource product. It’s not where you go pay parking meters and some private company is taking 50% of the money that should go in the state. That needs to go bye-bye.

Ronald Reagan was great on the stand. He was a great American. He started his career as the Chicago Cubs announcer on the ticker tapes in Des Moines, Iowa. They brought him out of here and he can hold the stage really well, but what he did with corporate behavior and what he did with that clown from University of Chicago, Milton Freeman and their takeover of government and it’s disgusting. It’s disgusting what we do, and I keep saying it because I love people and I see people suffer and I don’t know what to do. When I had the New Edition, I created that and I wanted everyone to believe that if these kids could get up and sing and dance, so can I. I didn’t want you to believe they were gods. I didn’t want that. My book, Gods and Gangsters, it’s all about the disappointment I have in life, watching everyone chicken out and take the money.

What do you do with the money? You still don’t have health, you still have real wealth. Wealth is when everyone around you is secure in knowing they have a safety net. That’s what a government should do. It’s got to be a government for the people, by the people and of the people, as it says in the Declaration of Independence. If it’s not, it’s time to replace it. We need to look. We need a constitutional convention. We need to bring that government’s paper into the 21st century, not a piece of paper that tells 2.5 million people how to live in the thirteen colonies. It needs to change. Next time, which is get to the seven basic questions, and let me help you understand the metaphysical light realities of life, not the physical realities of mammon, the love of property over the love of people.

Give them the website and they can email and we’ll give them the opportunity to ask questions, to post comments and we’ll read some comments. We won’t read all because we could get tons and tons sooner. There will be less than there will be more later. Tell everybody the website how to reach us to ask their questions, make their comments, criticisms curiosities, etc.

My book website is We have Why don’t you give them the website for what we’re doing right now on Nothing But The Naked Truth, if you can?

The email is There you have it, ladies and gentlemen.

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